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Matt texts me that he is almost there so I stand up and put the razor away and walk out and put my shoes on I guess my dad heard me cause he came out of his room and started questioning me 

"Kayla, where are you going?" he asks

I ignore him grab my stake board and skate to the end of the drive way waiting for Matt he arrives and I get in and he backs out of the driveway and started to talk

"Kay, what happened?" He asks "You can tell me"

"I don't feel like taking about it" I say looking at him

"Are you sure?" He asks to make sure

"Yes" I say rolling my eyes and looking away 

We arrive at their house and Matt and I walk up to Chris's room I walk in and get a huge hug from Nick it caught me off guard so I flinched I think he realized because as soon as I flinched he backed away and looked confused I look at him really quick and I have like a slightest smile on my face and walk over to sit down on Chris's bed 

"We will leave and let you guys talk" Matt says after looking back and forth between me and Chris "Come on Nick" he says grabbing his sweatshirt and pulling him out of the room and shutting the door

"Ky what happened? You can tell me" Chris says moving closer to me 

"My dad set up cameras at the drive way and he saw you guys coming and going and me getting into your guys car and just started yelling at me and bla bla" I say

"Did you tell him why we came?" he asks

"Yes, but he was probably to drunk to understand or not smart enough because he said 'AS LONG AS YOU LIVE YOU WILL NEVER HAVE SEX WITH A BOY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!' so he thought I was hooking up with all of you" I say, I look at him and he seemed uncomfortable when I said what my dad said

"Oh... does he know Nicks gay?" He asks

"I guess not" I say "Then we got in this huge fight certain stuff got involved then I ran out of his bedroom and called you"

"What stuff got involved?" he asked

"Things that happened in my childhood, that I don't really like talking about" I say after I finished saying that Chris gave me a hug, I wasn't like one of those normal hugs where people just give a hug, it was one of the hugs that make you cry or feel like your about to cry. That is exactly what I did, I cried, I cried the first time I felt safe in a hug, I guess people can make you feel that way. I only have ever gotten cheered up by Wy, and it was suprising because I have never felt safe or loved unless I was with her, it is new so that is how I cried over a hug.

We said Matt and Nick could come in and they did so we started working on the project and I called Wyatt to come over after work

Hey sorry that this isn't really a big part I kept on getting stuck on what to write so on this if you see this can you give me ideas? Its fine if you don't but if you comment I will deffenitly try to make a part to it, Love you all

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