Phone Call

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After we get home we go to Wy's room and just relax and talk, time passes and its 8 which means dad left to go to the bar so we can leave

"Wy" I say to her

"Yea?" she responds

"Can we go get dq please?" I say "I'm starving, plus dad left"

"You sure?" she says

"Yes its 8:02" I say

"Okay, do you want to drive?" she asks me

"Not right now" I say

"Okay I will, do you want to stay and eat there?" She asks

"No but I would like it if we went to the hill at the park" I say

"Sure, lets go" she says rolling off her bed to get up

We walk out of her room and get our shoes on and get in the car and start driving the radio is playing Karma by Taylor Swift, her music isn't my favorite but I don't hate it. I also love this song so me and Wyatt listen to this way to much so we start singing, slowly it gets into a scream battle then the song ends and we are just laughing like crazy we pull into the McDonald's drive through I ask if I can order and Wyatt agrees

"Hello welcome to Mcdonalds what can I get you today?" The worker asks

"Hello...uhm... do you have that scrumptious mc double available today at this moment?" I say in a weird voice

"Yes we do" she relpies

"Ok well... uhm... i'd like two of those with those mouthwatering 20 peace and 2 large dr peppers that are flavorsome please" still with that same voice 

"Ok please pull up to the next window" She says, it sounds like shes trying not to laugh

We pay for our food and go to the hilltop at the park

-time passes to next day-


I wake up to a note stuck to my head saying 'Kayla come to my room - mom' I didn't know what time it was and my mom's and dads handwriting looks the same. So I get up and walk to mom's room I see dad sitting on the bed I didn't want to walk in but dad ended up saying

"Kayla, please just come in" moving over and patting the bed to signal to sit next to him on the bed

I walk in and ask "What is it?"

"I set up a camera at the driveway and I saw these boys coming here once at night after I hit you and another yesterday morning and then you got in the car and left to go somewhere then saw Wyatt bring you home after school, so can you tell me why you have been hanging out with these boys?" He says sounding mad

"Dad we're just friends I went over to their house cause I'm working on a school project with them and one of them stayed home yesterday and so we worked on it at their house" I say

"Sure a 'school project' what is the school project? HOOKING UP WITH THREE DIFFERENT BOYS?! I NEVER KNEW THAT COULD BE A SCHOOL PROJECT!" He says as he starts hitting me and knocks me to the ground still hitting me "AS LONG AS YOU LIVE YOU WILL NEVER HAVE SEX WITH A BOY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" He yells

"YES!" I scream when crying out of pain

"Good" he says right before he slaps me and stands back up "Now get up and get out" 


I get up and walk out of his room but the run to my bedroom and grab my phone and run to the bathroom I call Chris (underlined=Chris)



"Chris I feel like doing it again"

That caught me so off guard, what do I say!?

"It's okay Kay, just breathe It will be okay, what happened are you ok with telling me?"

"Not the whole thing but I got into a fight with my dad and I feel like I'm just a disappointment"

"Kay your not a disappointment your a gift, anyone would be happy to have you in their life your so kind and thoughtful, it will be okay just breathe and think of your happiest memories, that's what always cheers me up when I'm sad"

" But Chris what if I can't think of any happy memories?"

"Then think what will happen if you hurt your self, will you feel ashamed, disappointed in your self, upset with your self? But mainly just breathe take one breath in then let it out slowly, one second will pass then the next and so on and then as soon as you know it you won't feel like you need to do it, now I want to be around people, is Wyatt home?"

"No she's at her job today"

"Okay I will call an Uber to come pick you up, okay?"

"Okay, thank you Chris"

"No problem"

-hangs up-

I hear my door slowly open and look over and see it's Matt and Nick with shocked faces

"Were you just on the phone with Kayla?" Nick asks

"Yes" I reply hoping they didn't hear much

"Why, what happened, why was she going to hurt herself?" Matt says

"Life has just been hard for her lately" I say "She didn't want me to tell anyone" please don't tell her you know she will be upset"

"Chris this is something serious, do you know how long she has been doing it?" Nick says

"She said sense she was _" I say grumbling the age

"Chris how old?" Matt says

"6" I say in a neutral tone

"Oh my god" Nick says

"Now I have to call her an Uber so she doesn't do it" I say opening my phone and getting an Uber for her the must have seen me not press the button because Nick said

"Can you not get her one or something?" He asks

"It would take 20 minutes at least" I say staring at my phone

"It's okay I can go get her" Matt says

"Okay I'll text her" I say

"Okay" Matt says leaving the room

-Texts with Kayla-

Chris: Hey Matt is on his way it would take the Uber 20 minutes at least

Kay: Tell him to just stop at the bottom of the driveway please

Chris: Why?

Kay: Please just tell him 

Chris: Okay

-Texts with Matt-

Chris: Matt Kayla wants you to stop at the bottom of her driveway idk why

Mattie Wattie: Okay

Y'all this toke me forever I'm it doesn't seem like a lot but there is 1071 words also this is the most that I've ever wrote also I am working on a Matt story for the Matt girls anyways I hope you enjoyed this bye love you all ❤️.

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