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As we pulled into the Brunswick PD parking lot I felt a cold finger tap my knee as I woke up. It was Spence. I fluttered my eyes open to meet his.

Slightly out of it, I said, "Hm?"

"We're here...princess." Spencer said with his classic lip-folded, awkward smile. He obviously seemed uncomfortable using that language in front of Dave. It wasn't like him, or maybe it was.

I blushed at the thought of him calling me princess. "Okay." I said in my slight morning voice to let him know how that name made me feel. I looked him up and down, slowly scanning the parts of his body I could see from the backseat.

As we walked into the police station, I couldn't stop thinking about my flashback in the car. We met up with Hotch, JJ, Emily, and Morgan.

"Detective Lim, I'm the agent you spoke to on the phone, Jennifer Jareau." JJ said, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you, I can't tell you how happy I am you've decided to help us." The detective said.

"These are Supervisory Special Agents Hotchner, Prentiss, Morgan, (Y/L/N), and Dr.Reid." We each shook his hand.

Lim said, "I'll show you where you can set up. We have bulletin boards, computers, files..." I yawned, "Coffee." He said jokingly, looking at me. I laughed out of embarrassment and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Spencer glanced over at me, smiling.


I couldn't keep my head straight throughout the entire workday. Spencer Reid had infiltrated my mind once again. Every hour I caught myself staring at him, biting my lip, and imagining the things he would do to me. But all I had was that kiss from when we were pre-teens. I couldn't stop tracing every inch of his body, his hands, his lips, his puppy-like eyes. He made me weak.

After we had worked our asses off the entire day, nothing seemed to fit in the profile. Hotch told us to go back to our hotel rooms, " We all need some sleep, come back tomorrow with a fresh set of eyes."

Of course, I was worried that the unsub would strike again, but I had worked myself to the bone and so had all my other team members. We all were staying at the same hotel so I thought, why don't we all share an SUV?

Before I could voice my idea, Emily said, " Why don't we all carpool to the hotel?"

Everyone agreed it was a good idea. Spencer said, "I'll drive!" Morgan and JJ rolled their eyes and looked concerned at his proposition.

I chimed in, " Shotgun!" And rose my hand.

Walking to the car I realized I was freezing, only having brought one thin jacket.

"Gosh, It's cold out here tonight." I said to Spence as we walked toward the car. He was playing with the keys, obviously nervous to drive, but that's only something I would notice.

"Here take my coat." Spencer said, giving me his large trench coat. I threw on the jacket just to realize Spence's arms were probably double the length of mine. I looked like a toddler drowning in a snowsuit.

"Thanks." I said as I took in a waft of his scent. He smelled of old books, and dated leather; with a bit of black tea. It reminded me of what a hug felt like.

In the car, I was in the front seat, being the only one 'brave enough to drive with Reid' according to Morgan.

Spence backed out of the parking spot with one hand on the wheel and the other bracing himself on my headrest. It was the hottest thing I had seen yet. Trust me, I had been staring at him all day. The drive was about 10 minutes from the police station. These ten minutes felt like heaven. Spence looked even hotter as the street lights glazed over his vein-ridden hands. His eyes flared with caramel with every light passing over us. His right arm was rested on the center console of the SUV while his left hand, at the top of the wheel, drove. I decided to let him know that whatever he was doing was working.

I met his arm on the console with my left arm, And after a few seconds of awkward touch, he opened his hand, signaling me to hold it. And I did. I saw a slight smile appear on his face. His hands were twice the size of mine, and surprisingly cold. In time I warmed his with mine.

Derek and Emily noticed that we were holding hands. It was quite obvious because the only part of the front seat they could see from the back was the center console. I saw Derek signal to Emily in the mirror, to look at what we were doing. She just smiled and looked back at Morgan.

Spencer parked the car and we all got out. We had shoved JJ in the back seat because she was the smallest, so before we could head inside we had to let her out. After she was out, we all grabbed our bags from the back which had been meticulously piled on top of each other so they wouldn't fall over. 7 bags are surprisingly hard to fit in such a big SUV, but Spence figured it out eventually.

Hotch opened the trunk and gave me my bag first because it was on top. As I was walking toward the front doors to check in, he gave Spence his bag as well. I heard Spence behind me running to catch up with me. When he did, he took my hand and started swinging it as if we were one of those cheesy rom-com couples. I think he enjoyed it.

I smiled and rested my head on his upper arm. I couldn't reach his shoulder.

"You really are short aren't you?" He said.

"Hey! It's not that bad! I said slightly offended.

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