010; red catchfly

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WHEN RUMORS SPREAD OF a snake roaming around campus, it stirs chatter in Saiki's class. [name] and Kaidou, join in on the conversation.

A particularly loud classmate begins, "Have you guys seen the news? A snake was let loose around here!"

A girl freaked out, "What?! How did a snake even get here?!"

"I heard it escaped from a nearby ￲pet shop," he continued.

"And on top of that, the news said it's poisonous!"

"That's scary..." [name] added, slightly paranoid at the thought of a possibly venomous snake biting him. Just imagining the hospital bill itself was scary.

Kaidou smirks, and positions his bangs to cover one eye. "The eyes of the Jet-Black-Wings cannot be deceived! Someone purposely released that snake."

Two guys stood from their chairs, curious. "What the heck?! You know something about it Kaidou?!"

"The person... or rather, people, who released that snake was the Dark Reunion. The Murder Bedragon Snake is no ordinary snake — it was created in their secret institution-"

The rest of their classmates deadpanned, walking away from Kaidou. "That's stupid," said one guy, as he sighed.

Kaidou laughed smugly, leaning his back against Saiki's chair, hand in eye, "It truly is futile, no matter what I say... Of course — only we who possess abilities can stop this. Isn't that right, Saiki?"

[name] who sat a few rows to the side chuckled nervously.

Well, only I have the abilities but sure, Saiki thought.

Another classmate barged open the classroom door and yelled, "They caught the snake!"


"Yeah! It was found dead near the sidewalk some grade-schoolers got a hold of it and started whacking it on the concrete!"

That 'Murder Bedragon Snake' sure is weak.

"I guess Dark Reunion's plot wasn't such a big deal after all, pfft."

Some guys started laughing obnoxiously, "Ahahaha! Oh man, that's pretty pathetic isn't it!"

"That's right, they're a "secret evil society", y'know!"

One of the guys imitated Kaidou in a mocking tone, "Oh nooo! We're all gonna get weeded out by Dark Réunion! Right, Kaidou?"

Kaidou looked down, arms crossed — still trying to look cool as their mean comments plowed their blow on his back.

Well, there's no following that bit, Saiki thinks.

"Heh... Laugh while you still can, this is only the beginning..." Kaidou muttered, draping his blazer over his shoulders. His voice trickled down into a stuttering mess. "B-because the dark reunion is... J-just around the corner!"

Kaidou slid open the door and then left.

He's definitely crying in the bathroom, Saiki concludes.

He pays no mind to what Kaidou said, after all the Dark Reunion isn't real.

"Gyahhaha! That Kaidou, his face was bright red!"

A brunette guy imitated Kaidou, "Kuh... My right arm is going wild at a time like this..."

"My god, what a fucking loser!"

Saiki looks to his side to find [name] standing up and reprimanding the group who teased Kaidou. "...You guys took that too far, don't you think? Lay off Kaidou."

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