Chapter 9

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Emmett's POV

I just asked Maddie on a date, why did i do that, i have no clue what to do.

"Here, guys." I try to get all my friends attension.

"What," They ask

"I asked Maddie on a date and have no clue where to bring her." I respond.

"Bring her here." Said Michael, yeah thats not haening yet.

"Bring her to dinner." Luke says.

"What do you thing i'm doing Luke, do you think i'm going to let here starve." I sarcasticly resond.

"No, i wouldn't think you would do that to her, but you would do that to us." He argues.

"Ok, Ok, let the master through." Drew, the apparent love/date expert says, "I know what to do..."

"Ok, tell me then." i said.

"Well, you can bring her...."

A few hours later

Everything is done and for once Drew had a good idea.

HIs idea was to bring her to the water fall, we found a few years back, cover it with candles and have a picnic set up waiting for us, but i couldn't do it all myself, so thats where all my friends come in. My best friend Michael, and my other friends Ben, Luke and Connor, piched in to help and of course Drew helped.

"Thats looks like its about done." I shout.

"Thank God." Connor moans

"I said if you helped i would tell the maids to take you off pack cleaning this week. So shut up." I say

After that they shut up and started to dispand home. Well, i better go home and get ready sice it is 5 pm and i have to drive to hers.

Once i get home, i walk through the garage door. ONly to crash right into someone and fall staright to the ground. I look u and see it is my older Brother.

"Hey, Tyler, sorry wasn't looking were i was going" i get up and offer him a hand, which he uses.

"Whats got you in such a hurry bro, and doesn't matter, i'll get you back." He says.

"I've got a date tonight, so i'm in a hurry." I said

"Ohhhh, do I know the lucky girl." He teases

"Ahhhh, No" I quickly respond, "Tyler, i really need to go, i'll see ya later."

"Ok, bye, Bro." Tyler shouts after me.

I quickly walk up to my room and change out of my school comfy clothes, into my black skinney jeans and polo shirt. After, i put some aftershave on, which maddie likes, and get my converse out. That didn't take long. I check the clock and see i have to leave now if i don't walk to be late.

I run down my staires and straight out the door shouting goodbye to everyone in the house, well if their is anyone in the house. I jum into my jeep and speed down the road, thank god i'm alpha, or i'd be pulled over. If your wondering, i am Alpha because i was born with full Alpha geans. I offered to let my brother Tyler be it, but he said no, that i deserved it. So thats why i'm alpha.

Coming to the end of my terioty, i stop. My gaurds let me through and i drive into no mans land, only for five minutes. Until, i reach another set of gates leading to the Moons Pack. The gaurds contact Jake and he tells them to let me through.

I drive to there mansion, a bit like mine, and park not far from the door.

I walk up the steps and ring the door bell. Theres peole running to the door, then theres a big bang. I'm guessing they fell.

Inside there is a lot of shouting so me being me shouted.

"Can someone open the door because i don't have long to get to where i need to go, for Maddies and I date."

Someone oens the door and when thet reveal themself i am blown away becasue of how beautiful they are.

"Hi," Maddie shyly says.

"Hi, Maddie, you look.... beautiful." I probaly look blown away, "You ready to go."

After she runs int her house to grab her purse, i take her hand and lead her to my jeep, i open the passenger door and close it once shes in.

I walk to the driver side and get in, putting my seatbelt on.

"So, Emmett, where we going?" Maddie asks

"A place."

"How long will it take?" She tries.

"I'll tell you how long it took when we get there." i said, smirking.

"Humph, fine then." I am so close to laughing, "Can we play twenty questions."

And so it begins.

One hour later

"We're here, and it took about one hour Maddie." I joke, but am rewarded with a death glare.

"Where's here, exactly, smartass?" She asks

"You will find out soon, but i'm putting a blindfold on you." I responds.

I guide her through the forest, until we get to the waterfall.

"Ready." i ask

"Yes, the suspence is killing me." She moans.

I take the blindfold off her eyes and watch her reaction.

"Oh my god, this is beautiful Emmett, how did you find this." She wonders.

"A few years ago, me and my frinds went on a run and heard running water, we thought it was a stream, so we rushed over and found this, its beautiful isn't it. Your the first person to know about it except the ones who found it." I say

"Its really beautiful, are your friends ok with you showing me this." She asks

"yeah, actually, they were the ones who suggested to bring you here on our date. I'm really glad you like it." i tell her.

"Thank you, for bringng me here, but can we eat i'm hungry." She asks.

Laughing, i say yes. We walk forward and sit on the rock were i layed the picnic.

"Ok, i have chicken sandwiches, peanut butter & Jelly sandwiches, ham sandwiches, cookies, chocolate, milkshakes, crisps, water, fizzy and alot more." Yeah, i know i brought all unhealthy stuff, but who cares.

Can i have a chicken sandwich, a cookie and a milkshake." I hand her them and she immediatey starts to eat them.

She must have been very hungry because she finished before me.

"You must of been hungry." I tease.

"Shut up, I haven't ate all day." She mumbles.

"Ok, do you want more." I ask.

"Chocolate, please." she says.

"Here." It's her favourite, cookie crisp, thank goodness i remember from years ago.

"Thanks. You remember my favourite, thank you." She starts to eat it and its gone not long after.

Half an hour later, we are lying on the rock, looking into the sky watching the sunset.

I turn my head and stare at her, the light hitting her face alumantaing her face. She turns to face me, and freezes, seeing me already staring at her.

"What?" She whispers, staring at the rock below us.

"Have i ever told you how beautiful you look." I mumble. I stare at her eyes, which she notices because she lifts her eyes to meet mine. I think about something and i start to move closer to her untill theres a few inches between her face and mine.

We both lean in then..

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