Chapter 8 - The Night City

Start from the beginning

In addition to the beauty of the sunset, they also noticed that the weather had become cooler. A gentle breeze caressed their faces, bringing relief after the intense heat of the day. It was as if nature was exhaling a sigh of relief with the arrival of the night.

"This way, it won't take us long to reach the next town. Speaking of which, Hikari, what's the nearest town?" Hiro asked. "Night City," Hikari replied shortly and quickly as she climbed into the wagon with King.

Hiro climbed into the back of the wagon, accompanied by Ace, and said, "Believe me, she's not acting like herself right now. She's a good person." Upon hearing Hiro's words, Hikari's lips parted, revealing a brief smile that went unnoticed by the others.

Hikari increased the speed of the wagon and declared, "You guys can get some rest, we won't be there until late at night." The energy of the horses was contagious, propelling the wagon along the road as the night advanced. The steady pace and gentle sway provided a conducive environment for rest, allowing Hiro, Ace, and even King to close their eyes and surrender to rest during the journey. The energy of the horses was contagious, propelling the wagon along the road as the night advanced. The steady pace and gentle sway provided a conducive environment for rest, allowing Hiro, Ace, and even King to close their eyes and surrender to rest during the journey.

"Hey, wake up. We've arrived," Hikari said as she approached the city.

Hiro, King, and Ace began to awaken and, as they stood up, they were greeted by a city immersed in a spectacle of nighttime lights. The streets were illuminated by a profusion of colorful lanterns adorning the facades of houses and extending along the main thoroughfares. A vibrant and enchanting aura permeated the surroundings, creating a breathtaking scene.

The city's buildings, made of stone and wood, were decorated with sparkling lanterns and shimmering ribbons gently swaying in the night breeze. The rooftops of the houses were adorned with small lamps forming luminous constellations, transforming the landscape into a starry sky on solid ground.

"Hikari?! If we were only going to arrive late at night, why are there so many people out here?" Hiro said, his eyebrows slightly furrowed and his eyes fixed on the city that piqued his curiosity. His face revealed a mixture of interest and questioning as he tried to understand or decipher what was happening.

"This city is named Night City for a reason, it only operates at night!" Hikari said, enchanted by the lights.

Upon entering the city, they left the wagon and horse at the stable located at the city's entrance, taking only their belongings with them.

As Hiro, Hikari, King, and Ace walked through the streets, they could admire the diversity of colors and shades emanating from the commercial establishments. The shop windows displayed gleaming merchandise such as precious jewels, fabrics embroidered with golden threads, and magical artifacts that emitted a mesmerizing glow.

The city's nightlife was in full swing, with street performers showcasing their talents in squares and corners, engaging spectators in fascinating performances. Musicians played captivating melodies on exotic instruments, while skilled jugglers tossed luminous objects through the air, creating a spectacle of movement and light.

Cafés and bars scattered throughout the city offered outdoor seating adorned with suspended lanterns and flickering candles. The enticing aroma of delicious dishes and exotic drinks filled the air, inviting visitors to indulge in the flavors of the night.

As Hiro, Hikari, King, and Ace traversed that illuminated city, their clothes and fur were bathed in vibrant colors projected from the buildings and decorations. Smiles and laughter echoed through the streets, revealing the contagious joy of that festive and welcoming atmosphere.

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