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whose appy now?

February 6, 1997.

i had been working a double, i was so tired. like a walking zombie. it was only about 3 in the afternoon and i get off at 6.

"y/n, we need you" jeanie said

i followed her to the suture room.

"there's a staff infection going around, we're documenting everyone to see who is causing it.

"okay?" i raised an eyebrow

they made me hold a sign in front of me and took a picture.

"do i look uncleanly?"

"not at all, i have high doubts that you're the cause of this" jeanie smiled

"that's a relief"

another hour went by. the er was slow again today. i had an ear infection with my name on it though.

"tough case today, huh?" i asked doug

"i did the wrong thing"


"but it was either that or a potential lawsuit"

he had a 17 year old come in with cystic fibrosis. he didn't want to be resuscitated but the mother did. since the kid was still a minor, it was up to his mom anyway. that didn't make the boy very happy obviously.

"why's everyone in this hospital only worried about covering their own asses"


"look, it's unfortunate but you can't necessarily beat yourself up about it"

"i know the boy wanted to die but he's a minor"

"unfortunately it was up to his mother"

i grabbed the ear infection chart and headed over to curtain 1.

"mr. edwards, your ear has been bugging you?"

"yes, it's been aching for days"

"okay any discharge coming from your ear?"

"i'm not sure"

"i'm gonna take a look"

i looked inside his ear, it was definitely infected. when i touched his neck he winced in pain.

"alright, i'm gonna write you a prescription for antibiotics"

"you just have an ear infection, take the prescription and you'll be good to go"

"thank you doctor"

"my pleasure"

i wrote the prescription and continued to scribble in my charts.

"y/n, i have a proposition for you" mark pleaded

"oh god" i laughed

"you're off at 5, wait here until 6 and come out to dinner with doug and i"

"this is because your dates all found out you were doubling booking them?"

i waved my pen at him

"possibly, but i have a reservation"

"and i'll never find someone if i go on a date with just doug" he whispered

"yeah, yeah, i'll come"

i smiled.

it was 6, i worked a whole extra hour just for mark.

i threw my lab coat back into my locker. i had on black wide leg slacks and a dark red long sleeve. i put on my coat and waited at the admit desk.

mark rode his motorcycle to the restaurant and doug and i took his car.

"candlelight dinner" doug laughed

"how charming" i smirked

"you know, you two together are the worst"

"how so?" doug asked, sitting down.

"never mind" he rolled his eyes

"let's celebrate"

"cheers to"

there was a pause

"cheers to all of us"

we all clanked our champagne glasses together. 

if you call for me, i'll run to you | a doug ross fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now