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Some context for those who haven't watched Bewitched: 1. The show is in from the 1960s, and this takes place then (as close as I can get), and 2. Darrin works for an advertising agency.

"Darrin, I've got a client I'd like you to meet," Larry Tate, Darrin's boss, said the next day as he walked into Darrin's office with another man. "This is Mr. Adwell."

"Nice to meet you," Darrin said, shaking Mr. Adwell's hand.

"Good to meet you, too, Stephens. I've got high expectations for this ad campaign."

"And lots of money on the line," Larry whispered to Darrin.

Mr. Adwell explained, "My company, Adwell Securities, is gearing up to launch a new line of cameras, smaller and more compact, with clearer images and better microphones with a bigger range than any previous ones. We have tech now that rivals the government's! I want an advertising campaign that can emphasize this. We want to get these out on the market as soon as possible, so you'll need to work fast."

"Of course, sir," Darrin said.

"No need to worry, Mr. Adwell," Larry said. "You're in good hands here at McMann & Tate. Say, Darrin, do you think you could have some drafts worked up by tomorrow night?"

"Yes, I suppose I could," Darrin said.

"Why don't we all come over to your house then, and you can show us what you've come up with?" Larry said.

"Well, I'd have to check with Sam first," Darrin said.

"I'll handle that," Larry said. "You just focus on getting those drafts drawn up."


Alexander Hale was busy practicing his "magic" when the director of the CIA called to assign Alexander his next mission.

"On it, sir," Alexander said once the director had given him the details. He then ran off to the airport, a step that was, rather unfortunately, necessary for him. At least he didn't have to fly commercial; even though he couldn't fly like his relatives, Alexander was still a decently talented pilot.

Despite having a family tree full of witches and warlocks, Alexander Hale was a complete disaster with witchcraft. Most people didn't know this, though; mortals thought he was mortal, and Alexander used tricks and what little magic he did have to hide his overall lack of magic from most other witches and warlocks. Not all of them, however, with his parents and ex-wife among the select few who knew the truth. (This was despite the fact that Alexander didn't actually know that Catherine was a witch and a spy herself.)

Alexander knew this wasn't ideal, but so far it was working out quite well for him. He had quickly risen through the ranks of the CIA, winning award after award for his brave service to his country. The truth was, his deception worked. Moral or not, this was just the way things were. 

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