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Melanie's Massive Meal
'Go to your room!' Melanie's dad yelled at her, fuming. 'But dad i haven't eaten!' Melanie replied in protest, 'i don't care, you can stay there until your mother gets back for what you did!' he yelled back at his daughter. Melanie stormed up to her room in a foul mood. She was a short brunette teen, with large d cup breasts and a plump shapely ass which came from her mother's side of the family. Melanie was a notorious trouble causer and definitely the black sheep of the family because of her mischievous nature, which appeared to have gotten her into trouble yet again as she was now being sent to her room without any lunch, for skipping her school exams to go and get drunk with her friends using a fake id. She wouldn't be allowed out until her mother got back, which would be at least another 9 hours from now. Melanie knew for a fact that it was her older brother Marcus who had snitched on her to her dad, and she wanted payback. As Melanie was heading to her room, she noticed that her big brothers room's door was wide open and her brother not in it, she quickly headed into his room and took his bowl full of fish. Her older brother loved his pets, he not only had a bowl of fish, but also three guinea pigs and a snake. Melanie's dad came up the stairs and Melanie headed back into her room and slammed the door.
Melanie listened from the other side as she heard her dad closing the latch on the other side to keep her locked in. 'Just don't break anything and maybe you can come down for dinner' her dad said. Melanie groaned as she felt her stomach contract in hunger wondering how she was going to survive the next few hours of such intense hunger. She remembered the large packet of Cheetos she'd left under her bed and quickly leant over the side to grab them, when she did she felt that the packet was very light and had been opened, she turned the packet upside down to empty it's contents, one measly cheeto fell out the packet. 'Marcus... son of a bitch ate my fucking snack' she muttered under her breath. Unsurprisingly the one cheeto didn't satiate her and she started looking for other things to eat. She suddenly remembered the fish bowl she'd taken from her brother's room, she smiled and dipped her hand into the bowl and picked out one of the fish. She pinched it's tail between her fingers, this fish was called Nemo, after the disney movie fish. Melanie felt her stomach growl again and she said to her brothers favourite fish 'hi Nemo, are you ready to die?' As she titled her head back and hovered the fish above her gaping red lips before dropping it into her awaiting mouth and gulping it down in one smooth motion. Nemo travelled down her gullet and plopped into her stomach. Melanie could help a small burp escaping her pretty red lips 'UURP that was, surprisingly tasty' Melanie said to herself.
Melanie looked at the remaining 11 fish swimming around frantically in their little bowl and decided she was just going to swallow the rest of them all in one. She held the bowl up to her lips and said 'down the hatch!' As she poured the contents of the fish bowl down her throat and into her hungry stomach. She chugged the 11 fish and all the water down like a beer and she messily wiped the water off her mouth when she was finished 'ahhhh UUUURP!' She burped again as her flat belly became a little bloated from all the excess water and fish swimming around in there. Melanie looked around for anything else alive and then she noticed her cat Felix, cleaning himself on the end of her bed. Melanie's stomach roared noisily demanding more and she thought 'but, that's impossible isn't it?' She snatched her cat by the tail and it meowed in shock, she placed it on top of the small bulge in her belly. 'Lets see if this will work' Melanie said as she picked up her terrified cat and shoved it in mouth, to Melanie's surprise it actually fit and with a couple of gulps a large cat sized bulge travelled down her throat and was soon bloating out her stomach. Melanie's tits sat nicely on her bloated belly as she looked down at her bloated gut and gave it a rub as it started digesting her cat and big brother's fish. 'Mmm fuck, why did that feel so good? Sorry Felix but, a girl's gotta eat, you can blame my dad for not giving me any lunch' she said to her cat as it wriggled and squirmed in her belly.
Meanwhile, her brother Marcus was in his room and noticed his fish were missing. He stormed over to Melanie's room and banged on the door. 'Melanie! Give me back my fish!' He said as he banged on the door. Melanie replied 'open the door then stupid' to which her brother replied 'i can't, you're not allowed out', Melanie smirked and said 'well i guess i'm just going to eat your fish one by one until you let me out then' she giggled to herself as she patted her gut, knowing his fish were already in there. 'You wouldn't dare!' Marcus yelled 'oh really? I think i'll start with Claudius first, goodbye Claudius GULP!' She pretended to swallow Claudius. Marcus smirked 'you're lying, you aren't actually swallowing them' Marcus said. 'Wanna risk it? There goes another one GULP aw what a shame' she teased. Marcus started to sweat, what if she actually was eating them 'aww it's little Nemo, are you ready to die Nemo?' Melanie asked. 'Nemo! Don't you dare!' Marcus yelled. 'AAAAAAAAH' said Melanie. Marcus frantically opened the door to see his little blonde sister with a gut the size of of a football, and an empty bowl of fish. Melanie smiled and then dropped the bowl and pounced on her older brother. He tried to shut the door again but was too slow and Melanie was on him like a tiger pouncing on it's prey. Marcus was much taller and older than his short little sister but he was quite skinny and weak and Melanie caught him off guard, and her extra mass helped her knock him down to the ground like a cannonball.
She straddled her big brother, parking her big shapely butt right on her terrified brothers flaccid crotch. 'Melanie? What are you doing?' He asked trying to struggle but his sister pinned him down with her gut and laughed at how he was three years older but was weaker than her, a short little teenage girl. She licked his face to get a taste of her brothers meat 'i'm getting ready for lunch' she replied, followed by a large belch right in her brothers face. 'Aww you're frightened of your little sis? Did that burp smell like your fish? Don't worry you'll be joining them in a moment, this is your punishment for telling on me'. Before her brother could scream she swallowed his head, pinning his arms to his side so she could swallow them with his pathetic chest, she moaned with pleasure as she felt her brother slide down her gullet past her breasts and fill up her belly even more, she kept going as he squirmed to no avail, he was in too deep to have any effect now as she kept swallowing, past his crotch and legs, finishing with his flailing feet. She swallowed hard, and sent all of her big brother into her bloated belly which was now stretched to an enormous size to accommodate her brothers lanky frame. 'Oh my BUUUUUUURP god i just ate my fucking brother, and he was delicious!' Melanie said as she slapped her bloated gut full of her brothers meat.
Melanie knew she still had work to do as she hauled her ass into Marcus's room and said. 'Just so you don't feel lonely in there!' And then proceeded to eat all of Marcus's remaining pets, his guinea pigs and his snake which she slurped up like spaghetti, join the huge writhing mass of meat in her belly. 'Please let me out! It's so cramped' Marcus begged. 'Oh i will let you out, eventually...' Melanie giggled to herself as she slapped her churning white belly and tried to stand up with the huge mass of meat in her gut. She couldn't help a small fart escaping her round fit butt cheeks as she stood up, after exerting so much pressure on her lower regions from the weight of so much food.
Whilst the small girl had been eating everything in sight, her father had been doing his favourite hobby- gardening. And didn't hear any of the commotion inside the house whilst his daughter turned his son into her lunch. Just as Melanie had got up, she heard her dad coming up the stairs. 'Melanie! Marcus!' He yelled as he marched upstairs. 'Shit, how do i explain this to dad, guess this'll have to be a family bundle' she said. Melanie poked her head around the door to see her dad heading into her room. 'Melanie? You're in deep trouble young lady!' Melanie could barely drag the weight in her belly across the floor but she managed to make it to her room. She saw her dad turned away from her and with all her might she managed to charge at her dad and ram him to the ground. Pinned underneath the weight of her stomach her dad was powerless 'i'm sorry dad, actually who am i kidding? I'm not sorry at all' Melanie said as she remorselessly opened wide and then ate her dad, adding him to to the pile. 'BUUUUUUUUUUURP!' Melanie let all the built up gas escape her lips and was happy she no longer had anyone to say 'excuse me' to. Still hungry she made her way downstairs to the kitchen, ignoring the dad and brothers desperate cries as she started digesting her heavy load, she demolished the fridge and food cupboards piling cakes, pastries and everything else on top of her family.
When Melanie was finally done she fell to the floor in a literal food coma, luckily her plump ass cushioned her fall nicely, she couldn't wait for it to get even fatter after her family was done processing but she knew they still had a way to go, they were still alive for now. She knew that her mom would be back in four hours so she wanted to give her big meal some time to digest and pass into her bowels before she added her mom to the pile of victims. Melanie took off her shorts and shirt for comfort and slept in just her bra and panties, passed out for a couple hours to the gurgling and groaning noises of her huge tummy. As she slept her brother and dad finally became victim of Melanie's acids and crushing stomach walls, and started to decompose nicely along with all the other animals who were breaking down much more quickly and already starting to make their way through Melanie's intestines, soon to be nothing more than extra fat on Melanie's ass. As Melanie woke up again a few hours later she felt an immense pressure in her lower intestines, caused by a huge amount of built of gas from the digesting meat in her gut. She relieved the pressure by relaxing her anus letting an enormous fart escape her big butt, which was getting fatter by the minute, as more of her meal got digested. Melanie looked down at her chest, and realised her breasts had completely ripped open her bra they had grown so much already, and her meaty ass was practically swallowing her panties now. Melanie looked at the clock and realised that her mommy dearest would be home very shortly. In fact, she heard her car pulling up outside the house. With some of her meal digested into fat and some moving through her intestines, Melanie found it slightly easier to move around the house so she positioned herself so that just her legs would be visible to her mother through the kitchen doorframe as she walked into the house and then laid down, her big gut sticking up in the air.
'KIIIDS, DAAAAN IM HOOOOOME, I BROUGHT COOKIES!' Melanie's mom sang in her usual upbeat tone. Melanie for a split second almost felt a twinge of guilt knowing what she was about to do, her mother was a very kind, loving person who had taken great care of her, but Melanie didn't care, she was just food now. 'Jeez Louise it's dark in this house? Are you guys all upstairs?' Her mom asked as she flicked on a light. When she switched on the main hall light she suddenly noticed Melanie's short but thick, bare legs sticking out from behind the door frame in the kitchen, with a pile of food packets and kitchen utensils scattered around her. 'Mooom! Help meeeee!' Melanie cried. 'I'm coming sweetie!' Melanie's mom cried as she ran into the kitchen. She gasped when she saw her naked teenage daughter, with an engorged belly the size of herself, making a loud slurry of digestive noises. 'Melanie??? What is this?' She asked in utter confusion. 'Well Marcus and Dad were the main course, so i guess that makes you my dessert' Melanie said. Her mom screamed and tried to run but she had gotten too close and her daughter had grabbed her ankles and tripped her as she tried to run. She screamed as Melanie spread herself out on the kitchen floor, ass up as she started to swallow her mom feet first and work her way up. Melanie's mom had kindly passed on her huge butt genes to her daughter when she had her, and now her daughter was enjoying cramming her mothers big perfectly formed ass into her mouth, it was probably the tastiest thing she'd ever swallowed, enjoying her stomach and large tits whilst she screamed and cried for her daughter to show some mercy. But Melanie was not feeling merciful as she gulped down her mothers head and sent her whole body down into her hungry stomach. Melanie watched in delight as her huge belly expanded to its biggest size yet, her gut full of her whole family now, soon to be nothing more than fat and an enormous bowel movement, Melanie giggled and rubbed her humongous gut as her massive meal digested slowly, and finally could drift off into a big long sleep, after finally uniting her whole family. As she slept, her mom eventually also became overtaken by Melanie's acids and joined the rest of the family in breaking down and shifting onto Melanie's ass, breasts or even lower through her bowels.
Melanie managed to sleep all the way through the night and morning, waking up around about lunchtime the next day. She was pleased to see her gut had shrunk so significantly, and groped her huge buttocks where most of the meat had gone to, she gave her cheeks a hard slap and they jiggled in response. Speaking of Melanie's butt, it felt like it was time to lighten the load in her belly, as she felt a familiar pressure in her bowels and knew she had to release it's contents, specifically the remains of her family and pets. She heaved her gut to the bathroom and sat on her toilet, turning bright red as she pushed out an enormous turd from her tight asshole. It didn't stop there though as she filled the toilet with a family's worth of shit from her widened buttocks. She breathed a sigh of relief when she was done pushing them out and with a lot of plunger work she managed to send her family packing down the sewage line. As she left the bathroom she felt that there was still a significant amount of meat in her belly leftover from her family, she realised she would probably be making multiple trips to the bathroom that day to shit all of their remains out. Melanie shrugged it off and switched on the tv, waiting for the next time when nature called and she would have to relieve herself further, and thinking about who she would eat next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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