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The moment Minho dropped Jeongin infront of his house Mrs.Yang came out of the house.

"Mom, this is Lix's hyung Minho. Minho this is my mom." Jeongin introduced them to each other. Mrs.Yang looked at Minho and smiled tenderly. In return Minho smiled and started his bike to go, but stopped when Doyun called out from a nearby shop.

"Let's go for coffee. I have something to say to you." Minho said as Doyun came and stood near him. Doyun nodded getting on the back of the bike, and Minho said 'goodbye' to Jeongin and drove off. Jeongin tried to enter the house. However, Mrs.Yang grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Why did Lix's hyung come to drop you off?" Mrs.Yang teased him, wiggling her eyebrows with mischievious eyes.

"Mom, it's not what you think it is. I was coming home alone and he insisted to take me home." Jeongin was super shy since his mom never talked to him like this.

"Oh I thought..." Mrs.Yang stopped talking when Jeongin interrupted.

"Mom, it's not that kind of relationship. he's just Lix's hyung and just a friend." Mrs.Yang laughed as Jeongin said, emphasizing his words.

"I see. Since such a thing never happened before I thought you were..." Mrs.Yang said with a laugh.

"If you talk like that, I'm not going to talk to you anymore mom. I'm going. I'm very hungry." Rubbing his stomach while pouting, Jeongin entered the house. Mrs.Yang couldn't help but laugh at his embarassed behavior.

* * * * *

"What kind of scene did I just see?" Doyun asked as he entered the cafe and settled in a chair. Minho just laughed and told him what happened.

"Then have you thought about what we said?" Doyun asked, ordering coffee. Minho asked what he was talking about.

"Asking Innie to be your boyfriend." Doyun reminded him.

"I'm thinking about that. Actually I came to talk about something else." Minho said and Doyun looked at him as if he was asking 'what do you wanna talk about?'

"To talk about Sungie." After a moment of silence, Minho said. Totally amused, Doyun asked what about Jisung.

"How's your and Sungie's relationship?" Minho's question made Doyun more astonished. 

"good." Doyun replied simply, without thinking much.

"Don't get mad at me for telling you this, Doyun. Although you think your relationship is good, I don't think it's good. I know Lix, Minnie and Sungie very well because I've seen them grow up. Lix and Minnie are very happy about their relationships with their boyfriends. I think you aren't sparing enough time for Sungie. When you come here, you're always busy with friends or playing sports." Minho said what he wanted to say straightforwardly.

"you're right Minho. Actually I haven't cared much about Sungie. I've been a little careless. Minho, I've also noticed that Sungie is sad lately. But it won't happen from now on. I'll give him enough time." Doyun finished talking and Minho smiled. No matter how heartbreaking it was, Minho was ready to make a sacrifice for Jisung's happiness, even if it meant putting a rock on his own heart.

* * * * *

"Aunty. Where's Minnie?" Sana, who came from outside, asked Mrs.Kim who was watching TV in the living room. Mrs.Kim looked at Sana and said that Seungmin went for a walk with his friends. 

"So what our neighbour said is correct. I just met her in the store and she said she saw Minnie on the beach with a boy." When Sana said this, Mrs.Kim turned off the TV and thought about what she just said.

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