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Jeongin was by the window of the main room. His gaze was fixed on Mrs.Yang, who was sitting on a bench under the shade of a large tree.

"Why are you here, son?" Jeongin got startled when his halmeoni spoke, putting her hand on his shoulder. Jeongin looked at her, shaking his head.

"Let's go to the bench, it's windy out there." Jeongin went out with her. Halmeoni sat next to Mrs.Yang while, Jeongin sat on the chair in front of them. After a while, Jeongin called out 'Mom' and caught their attention.

"What's the matter, son?" Mrs.Yang asked.

"Nothing mom" Jeongin didn't dare go to the real topic.

"Do you want something?" Mrs.Yang noticed her son's reluctiveness.

"My friend's are going on a picnic trip. Can I go with them?" Jeongin replied, biting the nail of his thumb. Mrs.Yang's expression changed, her smile disappearing.

"No." Mrs.Yang replied.

"Please mom Minnie and Sungie is also going. Innie also want to go" Jeongin stood up from the chair, grabbing his mother's hands.

"Why, Mom? I'm now grown up so why can't I go?" Jeongin complained like a child.

"You don't know why? You're different from others, you can't live like them!" Mrs.Yang got up from the chair.

"Stop it, Mom. Do you want to hurt me by always reminding that?" Jeongin interrupted Mrs.Yang. Without waiting a moment longer, Jeongin ran into the house.

"If you cage him all the time, he might start hating you. How do you know he won't even think of going back to his father in rage?" Halmeoni questioned.

"No mom don't say that. No matter how angry he is with me, he won't think of leaving me. I don't want to hurt him. He's my only child." Mrs.Yang cried.

"Then this time allow him to go on that trip. Don't cage him, like a bird. He'll also want to have fun with his friends like others. I'm sure his friends will take care of him." Halmeoni explained.
* * * * *

It was afternoon. Jisung was in his room doing homework. Occasionally he would put the pen in his mouth. It was always his habit if he didn't know how to do a question. After a while, Jiwoo came inside.

"Don't you know to ask a someone?" She sat down next to him and explained him how to do the question. Then got up from there, and laid on the bed.

"Noona why are you late today?" Jisung asked

"I'm late because I had a meeting about tomorrow night's event." Sighing, she ran to the cupboard.

"Daughter, you haven't eaten anything after you came from office. You must be very hungry now. Let's go eat. Mom made food." Mrs.Han came and spoke very lovingly to Jiwoo. Jisung stared at her, as he don't remember Mrs.Han ever calling him 'son'.

"Mom, how am I going to eat? I don't have any clothes to wear for tomorrow night's event." Jisung's attention was drawn to Jiwoo.

"You should buy a new dress. I'll buy you whatever you want." Mrs.Han closed the closet.

Jisung's eyes filled with tears. But he didn't want to cry in front of them, so he blinked the tears away.

After they went out, the tears he was holding rolled down on his cheeks. Heartbroken he started to cry.
* * * * *

"Minnie hurry up now. Lix already called for the nth time because of you." Jisung looked at Seungmin, who was combing his hair in front of the mirror.

"Man don't be so angry. Should I shave your hair?" Seungmin asked to annoy Jisung.

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