Growling to himself, Kylo shakes his head. This was why he had so much to think about. You were a little thorn in his side, always causing problems. A little thorn he was about to make his wife. And now his court full of fools were calling an emergency session. How predictable. Every issue in his life was crumbling on him now. A concave of problems he was trapped in with no cracks in the walls or signs of light.

Not bothering to wait for the guards to let him in, his gloved hands lift and press on either side of the door. They fall open, banging noisily against the walls. Its inhabitants jump in their seats at the sound, before scrambling to their feet to address the king. Heads bow, but Kylo ignores it.

The council chamber was quite simple. Polished stone floors that hold the shadows and round arches flanking the sides of the room. Torches hang between the arches in metal bowls, providing the light that was failing to spill through the window on the far side of the room. Its sheer curtains are still, parted down the center for access to the balcony. In the center of the room sits a round table holding candles in the middle and half-empty goblets. The chairs had been pushed back by the councilmen when they rose to greet him, but now they scrape gently over the floor as they sink back down.

Kylo sits with his back to the balcony; the head of the circular table with all weary and wary eyes plastered to him. Knowing quite well who had dared to summon him this early, he directs his dark gaze towards the viceroy.

"You look well rested," he snaps venomously.

Hux clears his throat. "I apologize for the early intrusion." The bruises were beginning to fade, much to Kylo's disdain, but the sling on his arm was still present. "But we wouldn't have called this session if it weren't important."

"Go on."

"It concerns your engagement." The chancellor begins cautiously. When Kylo's gaze shifts over to him, the man's lips twitch beneath his mustache. Sweat beads at his brow, likely a result of the heavy, plum-colored velvet and furs he insisted on wearing. Although Kylo didn't despise Chancellor Alveye, he certainly didn't care for him either. "To the Lady of House Naboo."

He scowls. "I'm not sure this constitutes an emergency."

"I agree, Your Majesty." Lord Boltone chimes in. "I don't appreciate being dragged from a chamber full of my whores for this." Lord Boltone was a rather proud man. The oldest of the group with a head swollen from his large ego. The scars on his face told the story of his days fighting in the war, as did the wooden peg he had for a leg.

These men cursed like commoners and had no shame. It was the only amusing part of every session that Kylo could tolerate.

"You can get back to fucking your whores later." Viceroy Hux snaps, vexed by his frivolity.

"Your lonesomeness is of no concern to me, Armitage, but you won't take my pleasures for this horseshit." Boltone fires back.

Exasperated, Lord Tashe snarls. "You two can bicker like children all you want. It won't change anything. Lord Hux, if you please."

Hux spares one last cold glare for Boltone and Tashe before tearing his gaze away. He takes a brief drink of wine for his temper and turns his head to address his king. "The majority of us have no quarrel with the Lady, but we do have strong opinions on her House and your selection."

"Please," Kylo drawls. "Continue to bore me. Once you are done speaking in riddles, perhaps you can get to the point."

"She is not fit to be queen." Chancellor Alveye blurts out.

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