Landlord Approved

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"I guess it all started years ago when my parents got on a boat and ran off to be pirates. I was always encouraged to be... more feminine than I am." Kokichi got up from bed wearing a nightgown and then changed into a white dress with purple accents and checkered trims. "It's fine though. It's not like they're still around to make me keep doing this so... it's kind of on me to make the change now." Kokichi pulls back his chin-length hair with a checkered scrunchie and heads to the bathroom. Upon gazing at his reflection in the mirror, he lets out a sigh. "I don't even look more normal. What am I doing all of this for? Doing what my parents had me do isn't gonna resurrect them... but it almost feels like they're still here this way." Following his brief encounter with the mirror, Kokichi proceeds to descend the stairs and make his way to the kitchen, gingerly massaging his temples as he goes. Upon arriving, he deftly opens the refrigerator and retrieves a chilled, effervescent bottle of strawberry soda. Finally, with a contented sigh, Kokichi seats himself at the counter and allows himself a moment of repose. "I still don't wanna eat. I feel bad about it though because Gonta's gonna have the chef make enough food for me whether I'm hungry or not." With a heavy sigh, Kokichi rises from his seat and reaches for the chilled soda bottle, feeling the condensation on its surface. He makes his way back upstairs to his room, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the empty hallway. As he enters his space, he sets the soda down on the nightstand and collapses onto his bed, burying his face in the soft pillows.
After a few hours, Kokichi wakes up to the sound of his alarm clock. "Huh? What's going on today?" Kokichi stands up and walks to the window. He gazes outside and notices a carriage heading towards the castle. "I completely forgot about that... I better get downstairs; I can't make another terrible first impression on an allied monarch." Kokichi rushes down the stairs and enters the main hall.
"Why didn't anyone remind me about this?"
Kokichi then realizes no one's around. "They're seriously having me do this completely on my own? Figures... I forgot I'm supposed to do everything myself since I turned 18 a week ago."  Kokichi straightens up and patiently waits as the main entrance opens. Soon, a knight with a distinguished purple goatee enters the room.
"Oh, they said you probably wouldn't be down here when we arrived."
"Yeah, well, tell them I know how to plan 'cause I'm not a kid anymore."
An uncomfortable hush descends upon the room before the arrival of the Saihara family's heir. The young man in question boasts lustrous locks of midnight blue, eyes the color of rich golden brown, and skin as smooth as porcelain. Upon approaching Kokichi, he greets him with a humble nod, to which Kokichi responds with a respectful curtsy.
"I'm Saihara Shuichi, thank you for welcoming us into your citadel, Oma-san"
As Kokichi cast his eyes downwards, a sudden surge of warmth coursed through his cheeks, a clear indication of his mounting embarrassment. The feeling washed over him like a wave, leaving him feeling flustered and exposed. "Oh no..."

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