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(For future reference Arizona's jersey number is 8!)

"Horrified looks from everyone in the room but I'm only looking at you."

Today was our first pre-tournament game, we are up against Finland. Not gonna lie I don't think I've ever been this nervous about at game since I started hockey.

"You alright?" Rutger asks snapping me out of my thought.

"Yeah just a little..uh... nervous I guess" I say not wanting to seem like a wuss.

"Oh, you'll be just fine. If anything you'll do better than the rest of us." Rutger says giving me smile before opening his arms for a hug. One thing about me, I can't pass up a hug.

~small time skip to warm up~

Rutger and I have made it a little tradition to warm up together before games. We were currently getting some slap shots in before the game started. I tried not to look around the crowd. There were signs everywhere. Some good, some bad.

"Get back to the kitchen James!"

"Let the men do the work."

"This is a men's sport. Get the pretty lady back in the kitchen."

Rutger had seen more of them than I did. He knew.

"Want me to beat 'em up for you?" Rutger says as we skate back to the bench.

"I mean you do you." I say not totally on board with the idea of Rutger trying to take on about 20 older men.

"James, McGroarty, Hughes, Casey. Your on. Hughes I want you taking the faceoff." Coach says

"Yes sir." We all say before skating onto the ice.

Luke wins the faceoff and passes the puck to me, I skate down to Finlands side of the ice, keeping control of the puck. I pretend to pass to Rutger who was to the left of me, his catching on to what I was doing. We both get close to the net before both taking a shot, Finland's goalie distracted by Rutger giving me full space to make the shot, which I did. Rutger quickly skating up to me and giving me a hug as did everyone on else on the ice that was on my team while Finland players skated back to the center of the ice in defeat.

I took the faceoff this time. I could see Rutger getting annoyed with the Finland player infront of him. I'm not sure why. I make a mental note to ask him later. I pass the puck to Seamus following closely on his right trying to keep Finland players off of him as much as I can. Rutger is still talking to that Finland player. Seamus goes for a slap shot, making it in. We celebrate. The score currently 2-0 we were winning! Out of the corner of my eye I see Rutger slam his stick down before bringing the Finland player he been talking to the ground. What in the world was happening. Just looking at Rutger you would Never expect him to be a fighter, which he wasn't. I quick skate over, trying to pull Rutger away before he get seriously injured. Luke helping me with the Finland player. All of sudden I'm pushed, not by Rutger, but by the Finland player.

"Dude what the heck!?" I say absolutely outraged. He has no reason.

"Just proving the woman don't deserve to be here." The Finland player says, his accent thick. Rutger lunging forward before I put my arm infront of him.

"Didn't your mommy ever teach not to talk to women like that?" I ask sarcastically.

"My mom wasn't as dumb as you are to be in this sport." The Finland player spits back

"Jesus, you kiss women with that mouth? Oh wait... you don't have any." I say tilting my head a bit before skating back to bench, a tight hold on Rutgers arm so he couldn't even think about going back.

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