Promise ring

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( warning sexual scenes )
Luka's POV
I woke up and Draco was on top of me I smiled and then Madam Pomfrey gave me a cup of medicine and soon I felt fine . " Draco wake up we have to go to class " I said Draco and I walked to Divination. We sat down " greeting my children I sense now that everyone has made the transaction into the beyond , Today we will be continuing our interpretation of prophetic dreams . Please divide yourself into groups and discuss your last night dreams " Professor Trelawney said my face turned bright red . " Luka why is your face bright red " Izzy asked " no.. reason " I stuttered . Draco glanced at me we talked about our dreams and finally got to me " so Luka what is your dreams last night " Draco asked " I didn't have any last night. " I lied .
Draco's POV
" I didn't have any last night " they lied  class ended and Luka rushed out of the classroom " I'll find them " I said standing up " Malfoy are you proposing to Luka you sly little snake " Izzy gasped " no it's a promise ring " I walked around Hogwarts looking for Luka . I found them at the astronomy tower " Luka is everything alright ?" I asked " yes.. no.. I don't know it's embarrassing " they said " I've told you you don't need to be a female I love you for you" " no it's not that !" They hissed " then what is it"  I asked sitting down . " it's my dream that I had last night  I didn't want to share it because I was embarrassed " Luka said  " it's okay you don't have to share it " I said .
Luka's POV
draco looked at me " was it a nightmare " he asked I shook my head I can't tell Draco that I had a dream about us having sex . That's when I saw a little green box . " Draco what's that? " I asked " here I got it for you it's a promise ring " he said

" my word , it's beautiful Draco " he smiled " I love you so much Luka and I promise that I will be there for you no matter what " he said " I love you even more" I said he chuckled and then passionately kissed me

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" my word , it's beautiful Draco " he smiled " I love you so much Luka and I promise that I will be there for you no matter what " he said " I love you even more" I said he chuckled and then passionately kissed me . " come on let's get to bed darling " he said we both walked into the common room . I went to my dorm and Draco followed me he was already in his pajamas " Draco I don't think we can fit on my bed it's tiny " " to bad " he hissed I rolled my eyes . I laid on top of him and he began to sing in French and soon my eyes slowly closed.
In the morning Draco had to go early for his game today I changed into one of his jerseys and black leggings and put a little bit of makeup on and then headed to the game . I sat down next to Izzy and Angel . " and Slytherin's is forty to ten Alicia has the quaffle " Lee Jordan says " Weasley is our king , Weasley is our king he always lets the quaffle in Weasley is our king " the Slytherin's chanted I just laughed at how stupid it sounded .
Draco's POV
" I should thank you Weasley your our best player " I say as I laugh. Just then the snitch blast past me . Potter and I chase each other for it that's when Crabbe hits Potter on the head with a quaffle bat and he falls down .
Luka's POV
Potter falls and Fred and George Weasley catches him " bet you love that Potter! Saved by Wealseys neck , didn't you " I heard Draco say.

I rolled my eyes . " I've never seen a worse Keeper maybe we should add a couple more verses about his corny mother and even yet his pathetic father too" Draco said " but then you do like the Wealseys do you?, I don't get how you stand the stink I guess it reminds you of your own dear mother " Draco said. After the game I went up to Draco " baby are you going to be alright? " I asked he was covered with Bruises and cuts . He cried out in pain I picked him up and carried him to the hospital wing . Soon enough Draco's face was better .

Draco got off of the bed " let's go to bed darling " he said " wait don't you have to stay here " " No " he said we walked back to the dorm " this year is so boring " Angel said as we got into the common room Draco sat down on one of the couches " Dray aren't you tired " " No don't worry darling I'm fine " he said as I sat down next to him Draco pressed his soft lips on my cheek and I blushed " you still make them blush " Blaise teased Draco smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist i smiled " Luka did you do the potions homework " Theo asked me " Yes of course I did " I said " can you help me with it " " No " Draco snarled " go ask a Ravenclaw girl " Draco snapped as he pulled me up " let's go " Draco whispered as he passionately kissed my lips we went to my dorm " why do we always sleep in my dorm love " I asked he smiled " I feel safe here because it's you " he said as he kissed my lips again.

his hands travel up my shirt he took off my shirt . He began to kiss my neck leaving big hickeys I began to play with his hair I felt Draco melt his lips went back to my lips our lips danced with each other as I began to take off his shirt he smirked and began to unbuckle my belt on my pants . He slid my pants down I smiled as his hands grabbed my butt . I smirked as he began to kiss my neck again as he placed his body In between my legs I looked up at his eye's . he laid his head on my chest. " I love you Luka Garcia " he said I smiled " I love you too Draco Malfoy" I mumbled as I pressed my lips on his cheek and slowly went to sleep . in the morning I woke up with Draco sill fast asleep . I sat up and tried to get out of bed , " darling where you going? " Draco asked as he pulled me back on the bed. " Baby I'm getting ready I am going to meet my friends at the great hall " I said Draco pouted " and don't you have that thing with Umbridge " I asked Draco got up and pulled me back to the bed . " what is the rush princess it's 6 am " he mumbled as he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist " Dray " I mumbled " shh we have time to go back asleep Princess " he said I sighed in defeat " fine but when we wake up you won't complain about it " I hissed laying back down " anything for you my love " he said I fell back asleep a couple hours we woke up and I changed into my uniform .  That's when Draco back hugged me " darling good morning " he said as he began to kiss my neck I blushed and smiled " good morning love " I said Draco went to his dorm to change . I was waiting for him in the common room.  He came downstairs and we headed to the great hall Angel and Izzy were sitting together and Pansy Parkinson was sitting next to Blaise . " what a surprise " Draco said sitting down . " Why are you here Parksion? " I asked as I also sat down next to Draco and I ate the food " we're dating now " Blaise said Draco's eyes widened . breakfast ended and we headed to our classes . But that's when I noticed a group of students were surrounding " you cannot fire me " Professor Trelawney said " I can do whatever I wish " Umbridge said " this is my home !" Trelawney cried out " not anymore " she said " now remove yourself from this castle " Umbridge said suddenly Dumbledore steps in " she will not be leaving " he said " I have the authority, headmaster " she said " oh I agree with you professor but you cannot send any teachers away from this castle " he said Draco pulled me along . "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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