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Luka's POV
I was sitting in my chair drinking hot pumpkin tea when their was a knock on my door . " come in" I said the door swung open and it my my boyfriend

" dray what are you doing here " I asked standing up to greet him " I don't need a reason to see my partner now do I ?" He asked  " you could've sent an owl , my rooms a mess " I said throwing clothes under the bed

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" dray what are you doing here " I asked standing up to greet him " I don't need a reason to see my partner now do I ?" He asked  " you could've sent an owl , my rooms a mess " I said throwing clothes under the bed . Draco passionately kissed my lips. I kissed him back and I wrapped my arms around him " I missed you so " I whispered Draco smiled as I said that " I've missed you more " he mumbled as he kissed my cheek .  Draco was wearing a jumper and sweatpants " I don't think I've ever seen you in sweatpants darling " I said my cat jumped onto Draco " hello " he mumbled " why don't you want to bring your cat to school " " mum says that she will get lost and I don't want to disobey my mother " I said he smiled and picked me up and carried me to my bed . " Draco Lucius Malfoy what are you doing ?" I asked he laid on top of me and smirked he began to kiss my neck  I smirked as I ruffled his hair " dray it's 3 am In the morning I want to sleep " he groans and then licks my neck I turned around and closed my eyes . I woke up with Draco sitting up watching me sleep . " Draco were you watching me sleep?" I asked " your cute , you drool though " I blushed " I don't drool you idiot " I hissed sitting upright and wiping my mouth he frowned " I didn't mean to hurt your feelings kitten " he said that's when our two owls were tapping on the window they had letters I opened up my window . I opened the letter " I was made a prefect " I said " me too " he said I packed up my stuff for school and we headed to the Hogwarts express . " Luka " Izzy yelled I smiled and ran to hug her " Izzy where's Angel " " I'm here " she said " shit theirs not enough seats in the carriage " Draco hissed " you guys go I'll wait for the next one " " are you sure " Draco asked I nodded " don't worry I'll be fine see you guys at Hogwarts " I said . That's when a new carriage was their I sat down " what is that" potter said as he got into the carriage " theirs nothing their " Weasley said " yes it is it's right there " he said " I see them too Harry " a blonde haired girl said " who are you" " I'm Luna Lovegood " that's when they all noticed that I was their . " Garcia what are you doing here " Potter asked . " their wasn't any room in the carriage that my friends took " I said we got to Hogwarts and I quickly walked to the Slytherin table . " Luka " Draco said I sat down " hey how was the ride over here ?" I asked " boring  without you in it you could've sat on my lap" Draco said " why didn't I think about that" I hissed suddenly Professor Dumbledore started to speak . " I beg a few minutes of your attention,  our caretaker Mr. filch had to remind me about the magical objects that were banned and second Professor grubby- plank will be taking over as the care of magical creatures teacher because Professor Hagrid is on extended leave " he said  " dray who's that woman " I asked . We all turned are head to a woman in pink clothing " additionally we have Professor Umbridge who has kindly taken over the defense against the dark arts " he said as Umbridge cuts off dumbledore " thank you headmaster . Now how are you all doing tonight ?, I just thought I would say I few things one that the ministry of magic bequest under educational degree if the headmaster would pick on each class " I zoned out I didn't care what she had to say . Soon enough we were all headed up to our common room . " Luka ? , are you okay" Draco asked as he slid his hand in mine I nodded " I'm just exhausted darling don't worry " Draco placed me on his back and he carried me to my bed . In the morning I got changed and I headed to class . " Mx . Garcia it is a pleasure finally meeting you " Professor Umbridge said I faked smiled " you  too professor " I said she smiled I sat down next to Draco he smiled and grabs my hand and rubs it with his thumb . We opened our textbooks and then Potter ran to his seat. " sorry professor" he said I just groaned " hmm let's see 5 points from Gryffindor for coming in late" she said Draco smirks . " now as I was saying before Mr. Potter interrupted us with his antics . Your Denfense Against The Dark Arts education has been rather fragmented and disjointed in your past classes hasn't it " she asked a couple Slytherin's nodded their heads. " I will be following a pre- approved ministry- prepared theory centered Defense lesson plan " she said as she got up from her chair . " copy this down " she said the Slytherin students began to copy all of it down that's when Hermione Grangers hand raises up in the air . " yes " Umbridge said . " I wanted to know something about the course aims " she said " well they should be perfectly self - Evident " she said back to granger " well they don't say anything about doing actual spells " she said " I can imagine no circumstances that you would need to use one my dear " she said to Hermione . " but surely the whole point of Defense Against The Dark is a practical application " Granger said I was so bored is this the whole class Professor Umbridge and Granger fighting I groaned again " Miss Granger , this class has been approved by Ministry experts are you a ministry expert " Umbridge asked " no but" " then you have no business challenging those who are . We will be learning safe spells in a risk free environment " she said " but we've got O.W.L.S coming up you expect us to do the spells without practice?" granger asked " What's a good theory in the world ." Potter asked " this is school Mr. Potter there is nothing in the world that's out to get you " she said " what about Lord Voldemort" Potter said the whole class flinched at Potters words ." Ten points from Gryffindor again Potter . Let me get the record straight some of you have heard that a certain dead wizard has returned that is a lie " Professor Umbridge said " ITS NOT A LIE " Harry screamed I jumped. I could tell Draco was getting pissed off " Mr. Potter you have landed yourself a detention " she said " so according to you Cedric Diggory just dropped dead he was murdered by Voldermort " Potter said " the boys death was a terrible accident " she said " IT WAS MURDER I saw it happen " he said suddenly Potter slams his hands on his desk and runs out of the class. My eyes were wide open " come on " Draco said as he dragged me out of the classroom.  " Luka what's wrong " Draco asked " was Cedric really killed by Voldemort " I asked " I don't know Luka " he said we sat down at the common room couches  I was extremely exhausted " Luka you don't look too well " Izzy said I shook my head " I feel like shit " I said  Draco felt my head " Luka your burning up "
I coughed " I'll be fine " that's when I ran to my toilet. Draco chased after me he watched as I threw up " Darling " he mumbled  Draco picked me up and carried me to the hospital wing
" how long will I be sick for " I mumbled " just until tomorrow morning Mx. Garcia " Madam Pomfrey said I nodded it was getting late " Draco you should go to the common room and get some rest " I said " I can't leave you " he said " I don't want you to get sick " I said " but darling " " go you need rest I'll be fine in the morning " I said
Draco frowned and then kissed my forehead . " goodbye Luka goodnight " he said he walked away I tried my best to sleep but I couldn't . I laid in the hospital wing .
Draco's POV
I existed the hospital wing and I saw Weasley and Potter ." Hey Weasley nice job on the field today!,you'll be the best player on the pitch" I said as Blaise and Theo came up to me " get bent Malfoy !" Potter said I just laughed " Malfoy you seem pissed off " Blaise said " I am .. Luka got sick again and whenever they do it doesn't go well " " they will be fine don't worry Malfoy" Theo said I went to my dorm room to sleep but I couldn't fall asleep I groaned and sat up I grabbed one of my jumpers and headed to the hospital wing I found Luka wide awake . " darling why aren't you asleep " I whispered their eyes widened " Draco why are you here ? " " I couldn't sleep " they sighed and I laid ontop of them " shh baby I've got you " I said they quickly fell asleep and so did I .

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