⛧The Start 3⛧

9 1 3

As I'm walking the streets, I'm trying to find my way back to Suna's house. 


I flinch when I accidentally knocked over a vase. I looked around and saw a group of zombies looking my way. Shit. I'm internally screaming now. The zombies are running- wait... RUNNING?! SHIT. I quickly turned on my heel and ran, WHY ARE THEY FAST?? MEDIA LIED TO ME!

I turned a sharp corner and kept running, I AM NOT DYING TODAY!  I jumped onto a wall and over it. I took a deep breath. Safe.. for now.

I whipped my phone out to text my friends.

I heard a noise as I sent the last message to my friend Kenma.

I looked up and saw something- or someone. They had a gun. I tried to move away slowly, but I tripped over a fucking rock. WHY AM I SO FUCKING CLUMSY. I tried to get up.


May 2nd, 20**

Wednesday 9:00pm.


I winced when I opened my eyes, I looked around, Where the fuck..?

I sat up, the blanket covering me slipped off. 

There scratching coming from the door, "Hello?" I ask, scared as the memories come back.

I'm Satori Tendo- I got into a car crash last week.

I pulled off the IV and other tubes, God I hate hospitals. I walked to the door and opened it a crack. An undead creature stared back at me. I quickly shut the door and locked it. I backed away from the door, horrified.

"This is just a dream." I can feel my breathing shortening, What a wonderful thing to wake up to. I looked out the window, at the destruction of my home town. 

"What the hell happened here?" I looked around the hospital room, "Am I alone..?"

I took a deep breath, Calm down, Satori. . . I looked around the room again, Maybe I can put some of these things to use..? 

I took another deep breath, "This is fine.." I grabbed some of the sheets and stripped the bed. I made a makeshift bag and put some bandages in the bag. Next issue... How the fuck do I get out of here?  I walked around the room, looking for something to use as a weapon. Maybe I can use the heart monitor? 


Zzzt zztz ztzz tz 

I looked at my TV as it glitched out, confusing me. 

Zombie Apocalypse. . . People are eating others or being eaten. Stay in your house until the military come to save you. The military will protect us, they always do.

On another note: the Itachiyama district has been blown up, and being used a testing zone to turn back the zombies.

I rolled my eyes and turned the TV off, Zombies? Really? I sighed, annoyed at what the world has come to. 

I opened my window to look outside, and was met by a fire.

Uh. What. 

A creature walked to me, we stared at each other before I attempted to close the window, key word. Attempted.

It fucking bit me. Just after it bit me, I heard an explosion, and my house started to shake, violently. 

Okay! The bomb part of this was definitely real. I gasped as the house collapsed on me, "WELL SHIT." I yelled.

"Fucking... Kiyoomi you better live through this shit hole." I hissed, as my eyelids became heavy. The sound of sirens and the creature outside the now collapsed house was the last thing I heard...



There will be more, I promise. ;)

I can safely say: The main character of this book will be Atsumu. You'll understand because I love using Atsumu as a main character, he just gives the best vibes ya know? But anyways, I hope you enjoyed 

Till Next time!


The End is NearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora