3. Goodbye Nobility. Hello Piracy.

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A/N - I know you all have been waiting patiently for that sweet sweet James x OC action, and I'm glad to announce that it's finally starting. Enjoy! Also, I love this song.

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James and the Marines ended up going after Jack Sparrow the next day.

While they were gone, I decided I would learn to use a sword and become stronger. I was tired of being weak, of not being able to protect or help anyone. During the day, I would watch the Marines practice, and during the night, I would exercise and imitate what they did.

After a few weeks, I heard the news that left me stunned.

During James's voyage, they sailed into a hurricane, and James lost most of his crew. When he came back, he gave up his position and disappeared. Nobody knew where he was.

At first, I was broken, afraid, and thought I would never see him again. But I decided that I wasn't going to sit around and do nothing like I always did. I would find him and be there for him.

I decided that he was probably in Tortuga since that's where people go to get drunk and lose themselves.

It had just turned dark out. I wore a white shirt with a red vest, a hat, black pants, and brown boots. I had also cut my hair short to appear more like a man.

I opened my bedroom door and threw out the clothes and blankets I had tied up into a rope. I climbed down to the ground.

I went to the port and met the fisherman I had encountered the day before. I had paid him the day before with gold coins and jewelry to let him and his fishing crew take me to Tortuga.

"Get in," the fisherman said, and I got into the fishing boat.

Other fishermen were already aboard, and the old man followed behind me.

A few hours had gone by, and the old fisherman approached me as I was standing on the deck.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you leaving your noble life here to go to Tortuga?" he asked.

I was quiet for a while. I felt a little embarrassed.

"There is someone..." I began. "Someone I cared deeply about disappeared, and I think they went to Tortuga."

He smiled, "Is it a guy?"

I chuckled, "Yeah."

He laughed, "I could tell. Love sure does make people do crazy things."

"It really does..." I mumbled.


By the time we reached Tortuga, it was the middle of the night. I had fallen asleep on the deck, and someone shook me awake. I grunted and sat up, seeing a young fisherman smiling at me.

"We're here," he said.

"Oh," I replied and got up.

I walked off the boat, and so did the fishermen as they needed to stock up on supplies.

Now I was on my own in this insane place! Good Lord, there was so much ruckus. Everyone I saw was drunk and engaged in unholy activities. But I quickly noticed that they were all entering and exiting one place-a bar, I assumed.

I decided that would be the first place I should look.

I kept my head down as I entered the bar, not trying to attract any attention to myself. Music was playing, and there was even more hustle and bustle inside than outside. I had never seen anything like this!

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