2. The Decision That Cost Everything

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The months following the kidnapping of Elizabeth were painful. It was painful that all I could do was watch and listen like a sloth. I could do nothing to help. But what was most painful was watching James chase the love of his life who didn't have a single thread of love for him.

When I saw Elizabeth arrive in Port Royal, I ran to her and shouted, "Liz!"

I smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Lotte, I missed you so much!" she said.

I released the hug, and tears ran down my face, but she wasn't crying like I was.

"Come, you need to tell me everything that happened!"

I didn't know that the conversation we would have next would tear our friendship apart forever.

"You told James you'd marry him if he rescued Will?" I asked, shocked.

She must have seen the disapproval on my face because she responded defensively, "It was the only way for me to convince him! What was I supposed to do, let Will die!?"

I stood up. "You took advantage of him!"

She stood up as well, angrily, and exclaimed, "I didn't have a choice!"

"Yes, you did! You could've made it clear you didn't love him and you loved Will!"

I was breathing heavily.

She wasn't shouting this time, but she was still annoyed. "You're only saying that because you love him!"

I stopped shouting as well. Instead, I took a step towards her, and she took a step back until I cornered her against the wall.

I came close and whispered angrily, "You're right, I do. But even if I didn't, I'd at least have some remorse for him. I wouldn't use him, lie to him, give him false hope. Or are you actually planning to marry him?"

She stayed silent.

I scoffed with a fake smile. "That's what I thought."

That's the last thing I said before I burst out of her room. We barely talked after that, and whenever we did, it was merely to acknowledge each other's existence.


"Charlotte dear, hasn't any man asked for your hand in marriage yet?" my mom asked when she saw me doing embroidery while sitting on the couch.

"Not really," I lied.

Many men had asked for my hand in marriage, but I couldn't bring myself to say yes or even maybe to any of them. I knew that unless I got over James, I wouldn't be able to give them the love they deserved. Besides, even though some of them were lovely, they just weren't like James. James wasn't a noble who had never lifted a finger once in his lifetime. James had discipline, personality, charm, intelligence, and most importantly, kindness.

"What about Arthur? He seemed like a lovely boy, and he told me he liked you. Didn't he ask for your hand in marriage?"

"Oh, I forgot, he did. But I said no," I responded with boredom.

"What was wrong with him?"

"Honestly, nothing," I replied simply.

"Hm, that's odd. When I was your age, I couldn't think of anything else but boys..."

Oh, trust me, I think about boys all the time, but only one.

"...are you...?"

Is she being serious right now?

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