No..i heard someone..talking..i turned around with my torch only to find my torch off. I switched on my torch and flashed at the place where the voice came from before.

No one was there but i was sure i heard someone's voice.

I was just about to face door to think of a way to open when i heard another voice,this time being careful that the torch was switched on, i turn the torch to the voice direction and what i saw made me shocked and all i could say was "yeah!...This...was" While taking deep breaths so i do not pass out cause the scene that was at the front of my eyes was unbelievable,anyone would have pass out after seeing that....

Neerav's P.O.V.
'The only way you may correct the bad things in your past is to add better things to your future.'


The door creaked as i opened it, the room is pitch black and even the torch i am holding is of no help.

The torch had drained its batteries because of its frequent use in the past few days.

The past few days were like hell,but i had no other option but to endure it. I only wanted to finish the task i had come here for, but now i can not let my friends get hurt. I can not let either Sid or Yamini get hurt.

After spending hours in the library reading as many books as possible, i had gotten a hint that i might find something in here. Something that could end this drama forever,but seeing this dark room,my past flashed infront of me;

"I was alone. It was dark,i was hungry, my stomach grumbled like the hungry lion. I had no idea for how many hours....or days?..its been,since my step-mom locked me in our store room.

It could not be hours,cause i heard the cockerel crowed twice and not in line but after a big pause so that could be i am in this room for two days now. I could not even see my own shadow as there were no windows in the room.

I remembered my real mom telling me,"Neev beta! Trust is a very important thing,you give someone only after alot of consideration,because you never know who might betray you and break your trust. You can not trust even your shadow cause it leaves you when you need it the most." She was right..Where was my shadow,right now? But at the same time, where was she? Why did she go leaving me? When i needed her the most,more than anything. Did she not thought of me when she decided to run away with our neighbour?.

I agree my father was a drunkard and use to beat my mom ruthlessly,but then she could have taken me with her. Her running away with our neighbour brought disgrace and shame to my father in the society.

I don't even remember my real mom's face,it all got blurred because after her shameful act my father burnt all her belongings including her photographs.

I had managed to hid one photograph of her with me which was taken on my first birthday,but i could not have a look at that picture cause i was angry with her not because she cheated on my father but i was angry because she broke my trust. I knew of all the people she would never leave me but that was all my illusion..i was fooled by her and now i had trust issues only because of her.

It's been two years since my father remarried. At first i was as excited as an arab seeing a rainy cloud on a desert but at that time i was only eight years old and i did not believe that all step mothers are cruel just like the way they show us in cartoons and stories,all my belief about step mothers being good were shattered.

I imagined myself as cinderella, only the difference were ;
1.) Our gender: i am a boy while cinderella girl.
2.) I did not have 2 step sisters instead i had one step brother of my age and one cute little step sister,age 1years old.
And last 3.) My name is not cinderella ;) ;)

My step brother whose name is Rahul is just as cruel as his mom.(i wonder how he will grow up to be).

Whereas, my little sister(i don't consider her a step sister cause she is not cruel like her mom or brother). Her name is Nisha but lovingly i call her my 'Mishti' which means 'sweet', her current age three and sitting just outside this storeroom door crying and pleading her mom for me.she can not live without me.

I have decided to run away from home as soon as i was released from this cage, but i am only ten and i don't have either knowledge to work or sufficient money for me survive.

Ofcourse, i would never do what my mom did. I would never run away 'Alone', i will take Mishti with me cause i can not leave her here when i know very well that she can not live without me.

I was her 'Neev bhai.'

I was hungry plus the burnt i had gotten from my mom were burning due to the heat in this store room. I did not have the energy to even shed a tear. If i was not released as soon as possible then i am sure that i will see off the world in no time.

Luckily, the room door opened and light flickered in. I squinted my eyes as the light hurted my eye cause i had not seen the light for many hours. I hurriedly moved out of the room and first thing i did was hug Mishti. I went into my bedroom which was also the kitchen and packed all my stuff including some grocery and then went to Mishti's room and packed her necesarry items not forgetting her teddy without whom she can not sleep.

Avoiding my step mother i sneaked out of the house with Mishti and as it was night my step mom had gone to sleep just after releasing me.

I had no idea where i will go? How or where Mishti and i will live?"

(*Flashback ends*)

A tear rolled down my cheek and i came to present from my past. But now i can not complain how bad my past was cause i left it way behind. I shook my head and came back to where i was and for sometime i had to keep my thoughts aside.

From my past to present: i was now standing infront of a dark room, the basement(the room mentioned in the books i read in library) with my dim torch light,despite of knowing the fact that am afraid of being alone and at the same time afraid of being in the dark. I knew i had this phobias but still i came to look for a clue.

I had to face my fear for my friends, for myself and for Mishti....

Guyz well this not a prologue but just a hint on how the story will be...hope u like the rest of the story... :) :)

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Target for next update is 10 votes and 5 comments :)

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