Chapter 2

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"I can't do it!" Tony yelled, throwing his tools down in frustration as he ran a hand down his face, "I've let them down. Both of them." He spoke quietly to himself, shaking his head with a loud groan.

"Who?" Bruce questioned him, entering Tony's lab.

"Nothing, no one." Tony waved away, one hand on his hip as he took a few deep breaths as he thought.

"I can try help; an extra hand makes the job four times as easy." He told him, placing his clipboard on a nearby table.

"I know there's four hands, but it would still only be twice as easy." Bruce thought for a moment before nodding his head in defeated agreement.

The room fell silent, Tony thinking deeply as Bruce waited beside him, not wanting to interrupt his thoughts in the moment. The billionaire felt like he was going crazy, but he couldn't let Nat down, not that she knew but he owed this to her. To you. And to him.

"Hang on," he pointed at Bruce, a smile on his face at the realization, "you saw the chip," he snapped his fingers, breathing out and overwhelmed laugh, "you even worked with it, oh my God," he ran a hand through his unwashed hair, feeling like he had found the solution, "why didn't I think of this earlier?"

"I'm sorry... what chip?" Bruce looked over both of his shoulders, trying to find a hint of whatever he was talking about but looked back to the other man when he found nothing.

"Y/n!" He clapped his hands on Bruce's shoulders, shaking him lightly in excitement before cupping his face and slapping it a few times, "you my handsome friend, are the one thing I'm missing."

"Wait, you're not trying to bring her back," Bruce caught on, looking for a fault in Tony's expression, "are you?"

"Why else would I need to recreate that chip?" He scoffed, moving back to his station where he picked his tools back up, setting everything in the right place before he could get to work.

"Tony, she's gone. There's no bringing her back from that." His tone held sorrow, sympathy for his friend when realizing the reason, he's been locking himself away for weeks was to get you back.

"No one's ever really gone."

"She's dead, Tones, no one comes back from death." He stepped closer to him, Tony shaking his head repeatedly at his words.

"I know you think I'm crazy," he lifted his head and met his eyes, "but she was my child, Banner. Her, Peter, and Morgan? They're my kids, I'm supposed to protect them, and I failed her," He pointed his tweezers at him, and Bruce clamped his mouth shut, "I failed her, now if I die trying to bring her back then so be it. But I'm not giving up on my family, I am never giving up on my family and she will always be a part of that."

He cleared his throat, looking away from the doctor in hopes he doesn't become vulnerable. He knew it was a challenging task, scarily close to impossible, but he had to try. For you.

"What can I do to help?" Tony grinned at the other man as he took a seat beside him at his worktable, happy that he now had someone who had been up close with the one thing that kept you alive.

"We need to recreate it, that was her life source, right?" Bruce hummed so he continued, "if we create the perfect replica, we can replace it."

"We need a body for that?"

"I have that sorted don't stress too much about that part, doc." He patted his shoulder a few times, squeezing it on the last and Bruce gaped at him.

"I really hope you don't have her stored somewhere."

The two began their work not long after that, collecting everything they needed to create this new chip and although there were many times where they hit a hump, they got over it soon enough until they came to the biggest problem.

For it to work, they needed your power connections, but they were destroyed in the battle, leaving you with close to nothing to work from.

They needed the creators, your parents, to get over this hurdle but after an extended conversation about it, they figured they could make a better version of them with no faults and no danger that could harm you if this were to work.

"Do we know if her memories were connected to the chip or not?" Bruce asked Tony as he wiped his hands clean to finish up the work for the day.

Tony didn't have an answer to this, never once thinking about that before, "she said she trained herself to block mind reading, this could mean two things." He locked up his station, entering the elevator with the doctor before pressing the floor to the living quarters.

"That she really did, or she never had to because they were stored in the chip?" Banner guessed and Tony smiled at him, telling him he got it right.

Down in the living quarters, a few people from the team lingered about. Steve and Bucky on the sofa, Clint making everyone beverages in the kitchen and Thor playing pool with Peter. Wanda was in her room, Nat at your house whilst Kate was downtown with Yelena.

Tony had warned Bruce not to tell anyone about his secret, and even threatened him by saying he would chop his fingers off and put them in his hotdog if he even dared to.

They needed a solution for the question that still needed answers, so to work their way around they decided to make a backup plan just in case. The only issue was, they didn't know all your memories to even attempt to recreate them. For that, they would need a full meeting to get their stories about you, mainly Nat. But there was no way of doing that without telling them the truth.

Tony remembered one person Peter told him about, your friend who he couldn't remember the name of but figured he would get it from him soon. And as for everyone else, that was its own challenge.  

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