Chapter 3: Mister Afton?

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(Guess who you will be meeting this chapter? I'll let yall guess.)

(Y/n)'s POV

(Y/n): Michael Afton?

Michael: Yep that's me. But you don't know me do you?

(Y/n): No I don't. Should I?

Michael: Follow me.

(Y/n): Uhh okay?

I follow him for a bit as he lead me to the park which confused me as to why idk but I guess I'll find out soon enough.

As we stopped at a tree he told me to walk over to it so I did.

(Y/n): Okay what is this abo-

Suddenly he punched me in the face making my back hit the tree as he grabbed me by my shirt.

Michael: Do you really not remember? About what made my father go crazy?

(Y/n): First off ow and second off no I don't even know your father.

Michael: You don't remember William?! Your own best friend?!

(Y/n): No?

Michael then let's go of my shirt and backs up a bit sighing.

Michael: That day really fucked up your brain.

(Y/n): Eh?

Michael: Nevermind.

He then hands me a small card with a number on it.

Michael: Call me if you have any questions.

He then leaves as I was just confused on what he meant by something fucking up my brain.

As I headed back to my car I kept thinking about what he suddenly trying to figure out what he meant by that but I decided to just save it for tomorrow as I got into my car and drove home.

As soon as I got home i did the usual, brush my teeth, put everything down, make me something to eat, use the bathroom. You know the usual stuff you tend to do once you get home.

Only as I sat down and turned on the TV that I thought about what phone man said about the boss coming to visit tomorrow.

As I kept thinking about it I accidentally fell asleep not knowing I kept getting spied on.

Next day

As I woke up I remembered I was gonna make a song but fell asleep by accident.

(Y/n): Well Fuck.

As I looked at the clock I saw I still had time so i got up and went to my studio room as I put on my headphones.

Once I was done I took off my headphones then looked at the clock seeing that it was almost time so I get dressed and head to the location.

As soon as I got there and i entered I was met with phone man and who I assumed was his boss.

Me being the nice person I was I decided to have a small chat with him

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Me being the nice person I was I decided to have a small chat with him.

(Y/n): Hello sir.

He then looked at me with a smile that basically seems absolutely evil.

???: Hello.

(Y/n): I'm (y/n) and you are?

William: Afton, William Afton.

So me and him had what seemed like a good friendly conversation but Phone Man looked worried and concerned.

Which caused me to look at him.

(Y/n): You okay phone man? You seem concerned.

William: Oh don't worry about him. He does that sometimes. Why? I don't fully know but eh.

(Y/n): Ah alrighty. I understand.

William then looked at a employee who was signaling for him to come for a minute so he did after excusing himself.

Then phone man came up to me.

Phone Guy: Be careful around him.

(Y/n): Huh?

Phone Guy: What? You didn't get Michael's message?

(Y/n): I did but I didn't understand it.

Phone Guy: Wha?

Then William came back over.

William: Did I miss something?

Phone Man quickly straightened himself back up.

Phone guy: No sir. You didn't miss anything, just letting our Nightgaurd know something about Foxy.

William: Ah alrighty well we should get going.

Phone Guy: Right.

As they were leaving William Gave me the same smile as before aswell as a wave goodbye that didn't seem friendly at all and after he left i scratched my head.

(Y/n): Something isn't right about him.

I then look at Foxy who was the same as I left him last night as he was simply staring at me.

(Y/n): Oh don't give me that look. I never finished fucking inspector gadget or some detective show to figure things like this out.

I then walked to the office ready for night 2 but I brought a crowbar with me this time.

To be Continued


Boom here is Chapter 3. And you met William Afton himself face to face.

What is Michael's message getting at? We will see.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night.

(Y/N) Meets His Favorites (Five Nights at Freddy's X Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now