Chapter 58 - The Room

Start from the beginning

"And here we are, my sweet." He says as he pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. He opened the door and moved her inside as she stumbled into the room and noticed an old mattress in the corner, a desk that held bandages and other medical supplies, but also multiple small jars of... dark green blood.

      The room looked the size of an office but was clearly converted into a room to sleep in. And no denying that it belonged to him if he had the key and his things inside. But why did he bring her here..?

       He was going to join her inside. This was a step to his plan after all. "Now we're just going to sit here and wait until-"

"Xed!" A voice called out to him and he instantly closed the door, leaving (Y/N) inside the room alone instead of with him.

       She jumped at his sudden action and turned to see the door was closed. On the other side, she heard a female voice call out to Xed who must be addressing her now because he uttered an annoyed "What..?"

"Where the hell have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!" The female voice spoke, sounding angry.

"I've been busy, Indi." Xed said in his usual mischievous tone to hide the fact that he was sick of being interrupted from his time with (Y/N).

"Well Mother just got attacked and the one who did it slipped away! You wanna know who it was?" Indi questioned, clear anger in her tone.

        (Y/N) approached the door and placed her ear against it since their voices were slightly muffled. Zankora got attacked?

"Tell me who it was and I'll deal with it." Xed spoke, he wasn't really but he needed to keep up his act.

"That's the thing. You should've already did because it was the doctor!" Indi exclaimed.

       (Y/N) had to hold back a gasp. Yama attacked Zankora?! He got away?! She could feel her heartbeat quicken as her worry from before flooded her. She needed to know if he was hurt. A pit formed in her stomach at the thought of him being injured.

       Xed had to pretend that he didn't already know that the doctor got out. Or that he was outsmarted by some human girl which led to Yama getting out in the first place. But he feigned ignorance. "I left the cells for only a second! Is poor (Y/N) still down there?"

"No! She's gone too!" Indi grunted. "I went down there to check after I heard what happened and she somehow got out again! They could be anywhere now."

        It took everything in Xed not to crack a smile. Oh how hard playing ignorant was when it came to being a traitor. "And after all that work to get her back..."

        (Y/N) continued to listen to them talk as she looked around the room he had put her in. As the two Elitists outside came up with plans to search the asylum for her, she moved over to a window with bars on it to her disappointment. Most of the windows in the asylum had bars but some have fallen off. Maybe this will as well.

       Since her hands were behind her back, she used her shoulder to nudge the bars and felt them be a little loose. This gave her hope. But as she stepped back, her foot got caught in the chain trailing behind her and she tripped onto the floor an fell, creating a loud thud that was heard.

"What was that?" Indi questioned as she looked at the door.

        Xed looked as well before coming up with an excuse to distract his sister. "I don't know, thunder? Look, I'll go look for the girl. She couldn't have gone too far. But you and Chip focus on catching the doctor. If he finds my sweet, he'll surely give us trouble again."

"Ok, fine." The female demon grunted as she turned to leave. "And once you find her, don't let her out of your sight! We've already had enough trouble getting her back as is."

"Oh, I will." Xed smirked as he watched his sister go. "I surely will."

        Waiting until she was far enough before opening the door, he saw (Y/N) sit up from the floor with some difficulty due to her bounded wrists. He snickered at her as he entered the room and closed the door behind him. "You're such a clumsy girl, my sweet! You need to be more careful. She could've found you."

       (Y/N) glared at him. Maybe if Indi did find her, it could get Xed off her back. Nevertheless, she looked around the room again, refusing to loon at him. "What are we doing here?"

"Waiting." Xed grinned as he kept his grey eyes on her.

"For what?" She pushed, tired of him being so secretive with his plans.

"For the humans to come. And once they do, we'll leave and we're never looking back." His grin turned devious and crouched down next to her. It sounded like a straightforward plan. Use the battle as a distraction to slip out with her. But would obviously take more work than that. "Don't worry your pretty little head, my little monster. I have everything covered for our departure~."

        He spoke like he was so sure that she wouldn't try to fight him back and resist being dragged off by him. She may not be able to use her abilities on him without harming herself but that didn't mean she couldn't run away instead. She just needed an opportunity.

"Since blondie decided to cause some ruckus with Mother, I have to go do my part now or else others will get suspicious." Xed dramatically sighed as he grabbed onto the end of the chain keeping (Y/N) bound and walked over to a radiator. He pulled out a lock from a shelf and used it the lock the chain to the radiator.

'Great...' Now she was locked up. Again.

       Xed made sure that any tugs didn't break the lock or got her free before turning back to her and taking her head into his hand. Forcing her to look up at him. "Be a good little demon and wait here for me. I'll be back soon~."

      He went to kiss her again but she struggled to move away so he ended up kissing the side of her mouth instead. He snickered at her efforts to avoid him before he left the room and locked the door behind him.

        He wished he could spend the time waiting with her but he knew it would be too good to be true. His amused grin soon dropped as he looked annoyed now.

       Of course, that doctor has to get in the way again. He's been getting in the way more than Xed would like and it needed to be put to a stop.

       Once Xed gets his hands on him, he'll make Yama wish he would've left (Y/N) for good.

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