Stress Reliever

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Markus sat on the desk of the huge office he apparently owned now. It's been hours since he'd done anything other than type away at his screen. He was still assigning androids to their new homes after the whole city of Detroit was cleared from humans.

He leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath. He knew the huge responsibility of being a Leader would drain him, but what he was feeling now was nothing but stress and pressure. He sighed then gasped when the door suddenly opened. North walked in. She strolled towards his desk, then plopped herself down onto one of the chairs facing him.

Markus couldn't help but blush. North's confidence and relaxed manner around him made him feel very flustered. He smiled after watching her pick up a pen and spin it around her fingers. She always seemed so restless, ready to do anything he asked for.

"What're you doing?" He asked, smirking at her. She looked up him, a gleam of mischief in her beautiful eyes. "I was bored, and the only thing I could think of was bothering you, so here I am."

Markus chuckled "You could never bother me North. Actually, I always feel less stressed when you're around. So you're always useful." He smirked at her and winked. North blushed and laughed. She suddenly stood up, walked around the desk, and decided that Markus's lap was way better than the chair.

Markus stiffened as she made herself comfortable, then watched as she scanned his screen. She looked at him in concern. "You should take a break you know. All that stress will be nothing but trouble."

He shrugged. "I can't do that yet, hundreds of androids are depending on me to make sure they're safe and sheltered." North wrapped her arms around his neck and stared deeply into his eyes. "I never thought that it could ever lead to this...

"You had that little faith in me?" Markus laughed.

"No idiot, I just thought that killing humans was the only way. My mind was set on the idea of 'kill or be killed'. Deep down though, I always knew that what you were doing was what's best for all of us. I'm sorry if I gave you a hard time." North looked away guiltily.

Markus smiled warmly, then leaned forward a little until their lips touched. He kissed her softly, then pulled away smiling. She smiled back, then rested her head underneath his chin.

"I love you Markus." She suddenly said. Markus was shocked for a second, but was quick to reply. "I love you more." He smiled against her hair, and she sighed.

this is what life's like after freedom...

Our Lives After Freedom! (Detroit: Become Human) Where stories live. Discover now