Gimyeong was glaring at his dad. This wouldn't be happening if they all led normal lives instead of continuing to run the streets. But maybe it was also his for listening to his father and agreeing to continue the line. His father told him that he was the son of the strongest man. But what good was that if he couldn't even protect his friends. He should've just listened to his mom instead of his father's bullshit.

"Hyung Suk..." Jinyoung put his hands on his nephew's shoulder. The scene in front of him was heartbreaking. But what broke him even more was that this was his family.

"I know everything is happening too fast for you right now but we need an answer."

Hyung Suk looked at his uncle with a disgusted face.

"Does it look like I have a choice! If I don't you'll all go down so yes!"

Jinyoung's eyes widened at his nephew lashing out at him. But it's not like he could blame the kid. This was all their fault. They should've never continued the Fists legacy.

"I think it's best we go" Gapryong grabbed Gimyeong's sleeve and they both walked out of the room.

Jinyoung decided he should go and help Gapryong tell the others of what's to happen next.

Sangcheol walked up to his wife and son and brought them into a big hug.

"I promise Hyung Suk. You won't have to be there long. I promise I'll find a way to save you from them."

Hyung Suk listened to his father's comforting whispers and hoped that he was right. He didn't want to leave his home.


The head of the Yamazaki rolled his eyes as everyone, as in the older people in the room, were arguing. He could smell too many pheromones in this room. It was annoying. It was much better when everyone kept their scent to themselves.

He started to release his scent and the others could feel the heaviness of it and began to quiet down.

"For the sake of the future, Yuzuru is marrying Hyung Suk. He is of high rank" he paused as he looked at his aunt specifically.

"And he is an omega. I do not see the problem here."

"Oh I'll tell you the problem!"

He internally sighed, he knew she was going to bring that up but it was still annoying.

"Yuzuru is already promised to the Hayashi's. What are you going to tell them!? They both have been promised to each other ever since they were children! Plus this Hyung Suk is Korean and Yuzuru is already half Korean! Now what?! The baby is going to be 75% Korean and 25% Japanese! The Yamazaki are supposed to be Japanese, not Korean!"

He looked at her with a calm, menacing face but he could tell she wasn't done. Not even his scent was able to stop this alpha.

"Are you also going to name the baby Park something instead of the Yamazaki name!? Let's not bring up the fact that your sister ran away with that stupid Korean delivery boy! She's a shame to the Yamazaki name."

"I suggest you stop talking, aunt."

He didn't really didn't care about anything Yuuka had to say but her talking bad about his sister was the last straw.

"Although my worries are not the same as elder Yuuka's. Yakeru-sama, isn't it a danger to have our enemy that close to our leader. Hyung Suk is Jinyoung's nephew. He can be dangerous."

He looked at his niece who was the only one who had a good point but even so, there was nothing to worry about.

His nephew scoffed, "What is an omega going to do against an alpha. We should be more worried about the Hayashi's if that's even a problem. "

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