
Start from the beginning

Why and what didn't she tell me?...Does she not like me being clingy, because I always am to her and she seems okay with it...

"I don't care about your girlfriend, mom isn't talking....she won't speak to anyone, anytime someone checks in she's crying with alcohol, she's getting older and her health is bad enough—adding alcohol to the mix isn't good." I hear Camila say to Natalie. I sit back against the wall, right beside the stairs. I take off my sock while listening.

First off, rude. Secondly, why won't Natalie's mom speak to anyone...Is she sick? Maybe she got bad news about her health and she's feeling down so she's turning to alcohol...my own mom can relate to the turning to alcohol—and drugs when trying to stop feeling.

"Did you not think to take the alcohol off of her?"

"She's having a breakdown—"

"Yes, well, don't expect the woman to be smiling and laughing after her husband just died." Natalie says and I gasp a little. I block my mouth as I hit my head of the wall behind me making me flinch a little. I keep my mouth covered. Shit shit shit.


The house goes silent, Maggy comes up the stairs and I jump. I turn, getting on all fours, crawling as fast as I can to Natalie's room. This mission would go smoother if I got up and ran.

Natalie's dad passed...she didn't tell me....Because she thought I was going to be clingy. I thought me and her were supposed to tell each other everything.

I hear the front door shut, I freeze for a second.

I get up quickly. What do I do...I didn't do anything, I may have eavesdropped but I didn't mean to! I was fixing my sock...

I run over to the bed, sitting down. I put back on my sock before Natalie comes back into her bedroom, I jump a little.

She shuts the door behind her.

"I have to go somewhere with Camila. I'll be back soon." Natalie comes over towards me, she reaches for my face but I move back.

"I thought we tell each other everything." I look up at her searching her eyes, she does look tired...I'm guessing she hasn't slept much recently...

"Yes, but some of us don't get the chance to tell their partner because she prefers to eavesdrop and put her nose where it doesn't belong." Natalie drops her hand and I frown looking at her.

"I wasn't eavesdropping, I was fixing my sock and overheard. You lied to me by saying your Aunt passed when in reality it was your Dad."

"This is my business, Diana, not yours, I decide if I want to tell you or not." She says and I scoff.

"Don't Diana me." I say, she only calls me that when she's mad.

"My dad passing is something that I can choose to tell you or not, do not stick your nose in my business."

"Oh, so you're choosing not to tell me because I'm clingy? I'll keep asking if you're okay?" I ask standing up to look at her and she rubs her head.

"I have shit to do, I'd advise you to sit down and behave yourself." She tells me, of course she knows what that does to me but I'm not doing this today.

"No." I say and she looks at me.

"This is stupid, I am not arguing with you, especially not right now." She says.

"How would you feel if I didn't tell you about me becoming my Professors TA? You got jealous when I told you anyway." I scoff and she laughs a little.

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