" Something Unexpected. " (Toxicinsanity)

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A.N: Hey hi guys‼️ This is a oneshot I wrote in class lol. Might be ooc idk man 🧍‍♂️
Anyways enjoy & ignore the spelling mistakes 🔥


Syntax sighed, it'd been a long day. Working on new weapons for Spider Queen, and running errands for the others. He rubbed his face, exhaustion catching up to him.

"I should make some coffee, it'll get me through the rest of the night." He got up sluggishly, staggering over to the kitchen where they kept the coffee machine. He opened the door, only to see the Mayor, or whatever his name was, standing there and... Cooking?

He didn't know what to think of the strange man, he'd been here ever since that weird little girl had helped his queen and turned him into... No, he should'nt dwell on the past. He'd seen Mayor around the base at times, always with that cold, unnerving smile plastered onto his face.

He shivered slightly, the Mayor scared him. He'd never admit that to the others though. He was thinking of just leaving and coming back another time, then the Mayor turned around, or at least his head did. Syntax was certain it wasn't humanly possible for it to turn that far. Almost unconciously, he took a step back.

"Syntax, my dear! You're just in time, I've made you a wonderful meal." Mayor exclaimed, this time turning fully around. He had a plate in his hands, with what looked steak on in. Syntax blinked, not sure if he was dreaming.

"Come on, I made this just for you." That snapped Syntax out of it.

"Well, you didn't have to go to the trouble. I'm not hungry, and I don't need you taking care of me." He snapped, annoyed that Mayor was being so kind to him out of the blue. "Oh, why ever not? You certainly look like you could use the help." Mayor chuckled slightly, glancing at Syntax's lean frame. "Shut up. I only came here to get coffee, and once again, I do NOT need to be taken care of."

Mayor sighed, then shook his head. "Fine, if that's how you feel. If you need anything, you can ask me." Syntax yelped as Mayor suddenly vanished in a puff of blue smoke.
"Ugh, what a creep." He grumbled to himself as he made coffee. Once it was done, he took it and went back to his desk to work.

A few hours later....

It was now incredibly late, nearing 1 am. Or early, depending on how you look at it.
Syntax was still working, he didn't really have anything else to do anyways. He leaned back in his chair, yawning and stretching his arms. The coffee was wearing off, and he wasn't in the mood to get more. Although... His stomach was rumbling, he hadn't eaten dinner.

He slightly regretted not taking the food Mayor had made for him, but then shook his head. It was probably poisoned, you never knew with the Mayor. "I should just make some instant noodles. We have some in the cupboard, I think."

He once again got up, supporting himself against the desk. He walked over to the kitchen again, shivering at the damp and cold atmosphere within the spider den.

After he got there, he immediately shut and locked the door, probably to keep the Mayor out. He then went over to the cupboard, rooting around inside for the instant noodle cups.
He found one, picked it up, and started making it. He boiled some water, then when that was done we dumped it in the noodles along with the soup mix. He left it to settle and mix for a while, dragging a chair out and dropping into it, sighing.
Ugh, he was tired to the bone. His whole body felt heavy, even though he hadn't eaten anything yet. His eyelids drooped, nearly falling asleep.

"I should get the noodles, I went to the trouble to make it anyways." He went and picked it up, and started eating. It tasted pretty good, it wasn't too salty or spicy, like the other noodles Huntsman had given him once.
Once he was done he made himself some more coffee, then he decided to actually take a break. Not now, obviously, but soon. When he turned around to exit, he let out something between a scream and a gasp.

Mayor was standing there, completely still, with that maniac grin etched onto his face. "What the hell?! I told you to leave me alone, you fucking creep!" He shouted, scrambling back. Mayor said nothing, just chuckled to himself and stepped closer. Syntax kept backing away, and eventually he was pressed against the wall, Mayor boxing him in. Syntax was cursing under his breath, looking around frantically for a way out. He placed a hand against Mayor's chest, planning to push him off and make a run for it. However... the Mayor was warm. Normally, he'd be cold to the touch, so why did he feel so normal all of a sudden? Curious, Syntax reached out and placed a hand on Mayor's chest. He felt around, but wasn't exactly sure what he was looking for. Then, he felt it. A heartbeat, slow but steady. He couldn't help but let out a small gasp. "I... I thought you didn't- I thought you weren't alive?"

Mayor chuckled, then replied "Mmm, a common mistake. I myself am a spirit, a demon, if you will. This body, however, is certainly alive. It's thanks to the powers of My Lady that I'm able to use it."
"So... You're telling me that you're basically hijacking someone's body right now."
"No, this body is mine. It may look different, but it's still the same one from all those years past. My Lady's power keeps it alive and healthy."
"Then, why are you so cold sometimes?"
"Merely a side effect of the powers. Nothing to worry about, I'm sure."
"You're... Not a dead body that's been magically reanimated, then?"
"No. My, what made you think that?"
"Nothing. Now, WHY ARE YOU PINNING ME TO A WALL?" He yelled angrily, however Mayor didn't back down. "My dear, can't you see it? I love you. Since the moment we met."

"Dead serious."
Seemingly unable to process this, Syntax just... Stood there.
Mayor, however, had an idea.
He leaned in, ever so slightly. Syntax... Definitely noticed, however. He flushed green, and tried to scramble away. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING-"
His shout was cut off by Mayor grabbing his face, cupping it in both hands. Then, they kissed.

Syntax gasped. He'd never, ever, done this before. It was... Wonderful. He leaned into the kiss, deepening it, and letting Mayor have the upper hand. They stayed like that for a while, or maybe it was just a few seconds. Syntax didn't know. It felt like an eternity, and he wished the kiss wouldn't end. However, Mayor drew away, his grind even wider than before, and, strangely, blue blush across his cheeks.
"Wow. Just- wow. Haah...That... Was... Amazing," Syntax managed to gasp out.
Mayor smiled, and planted another kiss on Syntax's lips, and, finally, stepped away. They were both still blushing madly, but they were also strangely silent. "I should probably go take a break... And, your Lady or whatever is probably looking for you?" Mayor just nodded, and turned to leave.

"Wait. Before you go. I... I think I love you too."
Mayor smiled at him, and Syntax smiled back. It wasn't the unnerving, cold smile Mayor usually had, this one was... Genuine.

And so, they went their seperate ways for the night (Morning??? Time is weird dude). But, I'm sure they were both replaying those last moments in their heads. I wonder what'll become of this love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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