Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Fine...what about you and Caroline?" he asked, smirking as Steve, Bucky, and Sam all looked up from what they were doing to look at the eighteen year old.

Pietro glared at him, "Peter!" he hissed, his blue eyes growing wide.

Peter turned around to where he was facing the group as the tailor continued to check over his suit, his arms hanging by his sides, "I warned you." he shrugged.

"You're such a little sh-" he paused when he caught Steve giving him the eyebrows of disappointment, "jerk." he corrected.

Peter stuck his tongue out at him, "You started it P." he shot back.

"I call a truce." the ash-blond announced, holding up his hands in surrender.

Peter nodded his head again, "Deal." he replied, grinning triumphantly.

"Your suit looks fine Mister Parker, you may change back into your clothes. Mister Maximoff you're next." the tailor announced.

Peter thanked the older man before jumping down from the platform; he emerged a few moments later in his white dress shirt and blue jeans. Tony was going to help him pick out a tie that matched his suit and the white seemed to be the best fit for the suit. Pietro grabbed his navy blue suit from off of the rack where it was neatly hung and disappeared into the dressing room that Peter had just come from. The brunet tugged uncomfortably at the buttoned up shirt that he was wearing over his t-shirt; he itched to put back on his sweatshirt that was discarded on a chair with his sneakers. He looked down at his mix-matched socks, he really should have looked for a pair that matched better. Tony waved him over to a rack of bow ties and he groaned, he found bow ties to be more annoying that regular ties; he wished the man would just let him not wear one or better yet, get one that was already tied. But he knew that would never happen, Tony said that he always needed to look presentable and he was pretty sure that he was planning on him taking over the company when he was older and in order for him to do that, he guessed he needed to know how to tie a real tie. The billionaire picked up a black bow tie from off of the rack and pulled it around the collar of his dress shirt, his fingers starting to loop the silky material around itself.

"So MJ huh?" he asked.

Peter felt his cheeks reddening again, "Dadddd," he groaned.

The billionaire laughed, "Just asking kiddo," he teased. "So what's she like?"

"She's great...." Peter started, his mind starting to fall back onto the topic of the brunette girl, "She has these really pretty curls and these brown eyes. She's sarcastic and funny and she always stands up for what she feels is right. Like last year when we went to the Washington monument, she refused to ride up it because it was made by slaves...she had a sign and everything. Did I mention she's pretty too? She's nice an MJ way, she's always been nice to me and Ned." he noticed the man's sceptical look, "Yeah she calls us losers, but that's MJ for calling you a friend. She kept checking on me when Penny was gone and kept asking how she was doing....She tries not to show it, but you can tell she cares. And when she's around my hands get all sweaty an-"

Tony laughed, "Slow down there kid, I can hardly understand a word you're saying." he announced.

Peter chuckled lightly, his face turning red, "Oh." he whispered.

Tony chuckled a little, "Sounds like a nice girl. She coming to the party?"

Peter nodded his head emphatically, "Yeah..." he replied softly.

Tony finished tying the bow tie, "Whatcha think underoos?"

Peter shrugged, "I don't really like ties."

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