Jahzara was occupied with her thoughts the majority of the class. Maybe she was overreacting but she couldn't help but worry.

"Hey guys you seen Carmén?" Jahzara asked her friends as she walked into her 3rd period classroom

"Nah maybe she sick." Jacoby said

"No she would have told me." Jahzara said while bouncing her leg

"Hey calm down. I'm sure she's fine." Yamara said, trying to calm her down

"Just go check on her after school." Avana suggested

"Alright. I'm going to sleep." Jahzara said as she put her head down

"Shorty got her real life stressed out." Jacoby said

"She loves her. I see why." Avana said as she glanced at her friend


Jahzara took her friends' advice and went to see Carmén.

Jahzara knocked on the door not expecting who answered.

"Hola Ms. Dani. ¿Día libre del trabajo?" Jahzara asked

(Hi Mrs. Dani. Day off of work?)

"Algo así." She answered with a sad smile

(Something like that.)

"Vine a comprobarlo Carmén. Ella no vino a la escuela hoy. ¿Está bien?" Jahzara asked, voice full of concern

(I came to check on Carmén. She didn't come to school today. Is she alright?)

"Necesitaba algo de tiempo para sí misma, querida. Adelante." Daniellé answered, smiling at the fact her daughter

(She needed sometime to herself dear. Go ahead.)

Jahzara knocked on the girl's closed bedroom door.

"No en este momento Mamí. Necesito algo de tiempo a solas." Carmén said, sounding muffled due to her door being closed

(Not right now Mamí. I need some time alone.)

"Su Jahzara. ¿Está bien?" Jahzara asked as she slightly opened the door

(It's Jahzara. Are you ok?)

"I'm fine." Carmén said quickly while turning her head to wipe her face

"No tienes que mentir, Carmén." Jahzara said softly as she approached the girl

(You don't have to lie, Carmén.)

"Tuve que quedarme en casa hoy. No pude. Hoy no." Carmén said as she

(I had to stay home today. I couldn't go. Not today.)

"¿Por qué?" Jahzara asked as she stood next to the girl


"Ha pasado un año desde que mi papa murío." Carmén said as she started crying again

(It's been one year since my dad died.)

"Lo siento." Jahzara said sadly as she pulled the girl into a hug

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