chapter 11

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2nd POV.

You and Gaston got much much more closer. You've even started to fall for him, he did act possessive around you. He'd always put his hand on your shoulder and bring you close to him whenever a man stared at the two of you. You didn't mind it and you thought it was cute how protective he is. You didn't actually see it as possession you saw it more as protection. The people in the town saw it as possession, especially some of the male's.

Gaston visited you every single day, there was never a day where you didn't see him. You didn't mind, because you didn't have much friends (wonder why). Whenever you'd try and get close to someone, Gaston would drive them off. He'd then tell you that they aren't good enough for you or that they want to harm you. You listened to his words, which wasn't much of a mistake really.

Anyway today is rather a very special, special day. Why? You'll'll see.

Your POV

I was in my room reading a new book, it was rather an interesting story. I was reading through it when I suddenly heard a knock on my from door. I got up and out the book down on my bed. I got off my bed and my way to the front door. I opened my door and smiled when I saw Gaston. He walked in with a smile as well, he looked rather excited. The reason I don't know why, but it made me smile none the less. I closed the front door behind him, I then turned to him.

"Why are you so excited?" I asked him smiling curiously. I suddenly felt him grab my two hands and held them together.

"Y/n, I know I've asked you so many times. But now I think you're ready. Will you marry me?" He asked smiling, I was shocked at first but I started to think hard and loud about it. I looked at the floor and started to think. I then looked at him and smiled.

"Yes. I'll marry you." I said with a light smile, I think it's finally time for me to get married and have children.

I suddenly felt him grab my waist and he spinned me around. I laughed in surprise and then laughed in happiness. He then hugged me and kissed me lightly. He then separated from the kiss and hug.

"It's settled then, when do you want the wedding to take place?" He asked with a huge smile on his face.

"How about next week?" I asked him with a huge smile as well.

"That long? How about tomorrow?" He asked making me bit shocked.

"Isn't that a little too soon?" I asked him still a bit shocked.

"I have everything prepared, I even have some wedding dresses for you. I already planned everything we need for a wedding." He said his smile growing, I've never seen anyone smile that wide before.

It shocked me that he's already got it all under control and that he already planned everything.

"Come, come let me show you the wedding dresses." He said taking my hand and he led me out my house. He opened the front door and led me out.

"Wait, wait." I said letting go of his hand.

"What?" He asked confused, I quickly rushed over to my front door and closed it.

"Oh, right, apologies." He said his smile turning into a awkward one. He took my hand again and he started to lead me somewhere.

A while later.

Gaston has introduced me to some beautiful, beautiful wedding dresses. I have chosen one that I really loved out of all of them. We even got me a beautiful veil to match the beautiful wedding dress. I couldn't believe that I'm getting married tomorrow. It all felt like a dream and it all went so quickly. After we got done sorting the dresses Gaston went to give me a ring. It was so strange at how he planned all this, it's like he knew that I'll say yes. After we got the ring, he led me to woods that me and him were a week ago. He said the rest was a surprise, so I didn't worry much.

We got to the lake and talked for hours on end. We even told secrets about ourselves. The sun started to set which made me and Gaston make our way back to the town. Gaston then led me back home.

"Just tomorrow and then finally you and me can live together." He said smiling, his smile gave me so much joy, so I smiled as well.

"Yeah, it's funny to think about really." I said looking at the floor and back at him. He let out a low hum.

We finally reached my home, he stopped and I walked over to my front door. I then opened my front door and turned to Gaston again.

"I'll see you tomorrow, my love. And rest we'll, we have big day tomorrow." He said walking away, I smiled and entered my home. I closed my front door, I then walked over to my room to get ready for bed.

2nd POV

The next day came and you woke up with a jolt. You rushed out of bed and started to get changed into your wedding dress. You suddenly stopped when you heard girls laughter and a knock on your door. You rushed over to it after you got into your wedding dress. You saw Karen standing there with a few young girls behind her. She said that they are here to help you get your hair done and help you get pretty for your wedding.

You tried to tell them it's fine but they all just rushed into your home. So you just let it go, they then rushed you to go back into your room. You did which made them all enter after you. Karen then set you down infront of mirror. She then started to do your hair, while the others said how beautiful you are and how lucky you are. After Karen was done with your hair, they helped you with your veil. They then all helped you up and rushed you out your home.

Don't worry a girl did shut your door.

You were now infront of the church, Karen decided to give you away, because well. You know why. She held her arm out for you which made you take it. The other girls opened the doors of the church. You and Karen started to walk down the aisle. You saw Gaston standing there with a smile. You smiled at him as well, still not believing that you're actually about to get married. Karen then let go of your arm when the two of you reached the front of the aisle. You saw Gaston hold out his hand. You took it and then made your way infront of him.

He lightly grabbed your other hand and smiled. Your cheeks were a bit red and you gave Gaston a sweet smile. The priest started to speak and when it was time to exchange the vows, you felt nervous. You didn't know what to say but you sighed and decided to say what's on your heart. After Gaston said his vows it was your turn, it was nerve racking. But you did it, the priest smiled and told the two of you that you can now kiss. Gaston out his hand on your right cheek lightly and then kissed you softly. You kissed back, the people in the church then stood up and clapped.

The two of you separated and faced the people, then the two of you started to walk down the aisle. To celebrate this beautiful day shortly after the people followed.

What a lovely day, for you. Just remember nice things don't last.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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