Welcome to Fable City

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The drive was a lot longer than i thought but once I read the sign I was excited. The city was definitely different than station square because the buildings had vines growing beautifully on the sides, some had flowers, others had berries, and the air smelt sweet. To be honest it felt like what you'd expect in a fairy tale. But fairy tales aren't real just stories. I looked at the GPS seeing I wasn't too far from the mayors office and when I looked back up a child was walking in the road. I slammed on my breaks and stopped just in time. Before I could get out the child took its fist and banged it on the hood of my car. "HEY WATCH IT DUMBASS!!!!" He yelled in a deep voice. It wasn't a child.... It was a man. "Sorry.... Sir" I said and he glared at me before walking away and i proceeded. "Ooooook that was awkward....." I said to myself. I finally arrived at the mayor's office and was amazed at the tall building. Once I parked the car I headed inside and looked at the building roster. I see the floor to the mayor's office then went inside the elevator and pressed the 15 on the button. The music in the elevator was just like every other elevator but for some reason sounded more.... Enjoyable. Once I reached the floor I stepped out and bumped into a white hedgehog. "Sorry sir" I said. "It's ok are you Mr Echinda from Station Square?" He asked and I nodded. "Great I'm Silver Ichabod Crane Ms. White is looking forward to meeting you" he smiled and we walked to the office. He knocks on the door and I heard a female voice saying come in before we enter. There stood a woman with fair skin, black hair, brown eyes, ruby red lips and in a grey and red suit. "Welcome to Fable city mr echidna!" She smiled. "Mayor White?" I asked holding out my hand. "That's me it's so nice to meet you Mr Echidna." She said and took my hand shaking it. "Silver could you please get us some tea please?" She asked. "Yes ma'am" he said and leaves us. "Have a seat" she said and I do while she sat behind her desk. I read her name plaque saying Pauline S. White as she was pulling out some files from the desk drawer. "I study your work and was impressed by it that's why I requested you here because my detective bailed on me and left me high and dry. Here are the cases.... The only thing we determined was that we have a serial killer." She said and handed me the files. I never worked a serial murder case before because the only one we had I wasn't allowed to work it since I knew one of the victims. I was very excited because now I could full fill a my promise....to him.
I think back on that day I found my fiancé clinging to life and the serial killer escaped. He died in my arms as the sirens rang in the background. My tears fell on his face as I was still begging him to wake up. I begged shadow to wake up but I knew he was gone. I visit his grave every week. Unfortunately his killer was never caught and fell off the radar. I made a promise on his grave. I promised him that I will catch every serial killer and if I find his killer they will pay. I promise shadow I won't let one get away.
I looked at one of the files and I felt sick seeing the pictures. A man had his tongue literally ripped out of his mouth, eyes scooped out, his limbs were removed and torso gutted out. The next victim was a woman who's eyes and tongue were the same as the man but her head was severed from her body and stuffed in the empty shell torso. The third victim had his spine ripped out and reattached to the head with no tongue and eyes. The next 4 victims all had no tongue and eyes but bodies were chopped up or parts ripped out are different. It was disgusting and disturbing. Each body had the eyes and tongue removed and a strange symbol on their foreheads. Probably the killers mark like the zodiac killer or jigsaw. "Was any evidence collected?" I asked closing the files. "No like I said my detective bailed and we got nothing." She looked down. "Well I guess I'll start from scratch then... where should I come and check in?" I asked. "The third floor is the detective offices your office will be located straight ahead from the elevator." She smiled. I thanked her and left the building typing in the address to my new apartment. Once I arrived I was shocked of how fucking nice it was. It definitely was better than my old one. I lay my bags down and told the movers were to place the boxes. After I tipped them and they leave I lay down on my new bed and fall asleep. Little did I know somewhere I was being watched from a mirror.

"Well well well Mayor White brought a normie into our city to solve the murder cases and he is quite a looker~ This is going to be very— Entertaining~"

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