🝮𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬🝮

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    Why were you here? You had a deep feeling you had no purpose being there but for some reason they had you come alongside of Doma too.

You looked around at the demons glaring at you before quickly standing up and dusting yourself off, your hair flowed with your quick movements and as did the small details and pieces your outfit carried.

Doma was already up and greeting the fellow demons, smiling happily as he placed a hand on Akaza's shoulder before making a few small jokes to him who seemed to be highly annoyed of him.

The same angry voice from earlier was heard from within the area again, you looked around to see where it was coming from until you found it, a table that was floating upside down just above everyone else, he stood there with both his hands on his desk as he looked down upon all the demons, angrily calling out to Doma for the third time now.

Doma: " Ahh.. My sincere apologies, Lord Muzan! I must've not heard you from all the chattering Akaza was making m- "

Akaza: " ... "

Muzan: " I do not care about your apologies. Have you completed the quest you were sent on? "

All you did was listen quietly, you did not want to be there nor did you want to interfere.. Who knows what would happen if you said the wrong thing, especially being around the most strongest demons.

Doma: " Hmph.. I actually forgot about that.. Allow me to make it up to you. "

The demon above all else slammed his hands on the desk with force, making it obvious just how angered he had became. Not wanting to look up at him, you kept your chin low to stare at the ground, away from all others.

Muzan: " Forgot ?! Such a useless demon that you are, I should have known you couldn't get the job done. "

Doma: " Wait.. "

Doma lifted a hand, placing it on his chin as he now went off into a train of thought during the harsh things Muzan was saying towards him. His eyes wondered around the entire area as he thought for just a moment before quickly lifting his finger into the air with a wide grin, a quite excited expression as well.

Doma: " My apologies, Lord Muzan. I did complete your quest.. I must have gotten it confused with another thought I had. "

The demon laughed at his silly mistake, turning to look up at their Lord before sighing with relief. Oh how angry Muzan was, how annoyed had he become to the sound of Doma's laugh and personality, taking everything as a joke in the most serious of moments.

As you stood there in silence a presence behind you would be felt, a presence so strong you quickly tilted your head to look at the individual. He was tall, long hair that he kept in a split pony tail, and the most obvious part of them all were his six eyes.

You quickly took a step back from him, looking him in his eyes with a hard feeling of nervousness, you didn't not want to be there anymore, you thought of something anything to get Doma's attention to save you from this.

Another female demon stared off at you from the distance, lifting a brow as it seemed she was whispering off several things into another's ear.

Kokushibo: " Have you lost your mind, Doma? "

Akaza: " I think we all know the answer to that.. "

Doma: " Oh where are my manners.. Everyone this is Y/N. We've just recently become engaged and you're all invited to the wedding ! "

Akaza: " Is this a joke..? "

Doma: " I know you're probably a bit jealous of it all, Akaza, knowing .. well you know... - That is why I wanted to ask you in person if you'd like to be my best man!

You face palmed so hard, feeling your face heat up of embarrassment to how clueless and dumb Doma really was.. You loved him so much but how could he be so careless in a situation like this?!

You felt him come around you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulled you into an embrace, kissing your forehead lovingly with a gentle caress to your hair. You felt a change in the atmosphere, making you get a slight tingle within your stomach of nervousness.

Another demon from the distance watched, hiding himself inside his pot and quickly disappearing inside of it.

The demon above all else grew angry once again slamming his fists onto the desk once more which caused a quick silence to fall between everyone.

Muzan: " I don't want to hear another word from you, Doma, you've irritated me already. Silence! "

Doma quickly became silenced, no matter if he were to try to speak not a single sound would be able to be heard from him. He frowned, sitting himself down on the floor with crossed legs as he looked up at all the other demons who began to look towards you. In a moment like this you'd expect him to at least defend you but you were wrong, he didn't seem to care one bit.

Kokushibo: " Why have you come here? "

Akaza: " Better question, why are you with Doma?? "

You looked at both of them with a slight hesitation to answering their questions.. should you speak? should you just keep quiet? What was the right thing to do in this moment.. Your gaze met Doma's who was still sitting on the floor pouting at not being able to get a word out,

Y/N: " I.. - "

Muzan: " It seems you're just as useless as he is.. "

Y/N: " Useless? Is that all you do here ? I'm more than sure Doma has done more than enough to just be called a 'useless' demon !

Having a short temper was a curse most of the time, and this just proved your point. You glared back at the other demons before realizing Kokushibo was standing right behind you, his hand reaching for your neck from your side.

You closed your eyes tightly to the feel of your neck now being in a firm grip, his words cold and merciless.

Kokushibo: " Must we teach you the way to speak correctly? "

Akaza simply stared with narrowed eyes, his expression clearly showing annoyance from the moment. Doma on the other hand watched with his hands on his knees before standing up and quickly coming to your rescue.

You grabbed at his hand, pulling on his fingers to loosen the grip but he was far too strong compared to you. You kicked, groaning slightly before you felt someone take you into their arms and pull you away. Finally Doma did something other than watch on the side, you breathed heavily as you were being held in his arms, turning to look around at everyone else.

Muzan: " I expect you all here tomorrow again for an important discussion. Leave the pet at home Doma. "

Doma: " But can't I bring her and just have her sit in the corner ? "

Akaza: " Are you stupid? .. "

Muzan: " Send Akaza with the girl, I expect a well trained demon here tomorrow. "

Y/N: " What? Wai- ! "

You looked at Doma one last time who was holding you in his arms until the sound of the same instrument was heard and you were gone from his hold, the place you were just at was now different, however, this time with you was Akaza out in a forest.. a completely different place than where you were at with Doma.

You looked around in confusion, noticing the other demon was beginning to run towards a certain location, so you simply followed him... of course not wanting to be left behind.

Y/N " Where .. are we going ? When will I be able to see Doma again? "

Akaza: " .. We're headed towards a train. "

A train? for what? You noticed he had ignored your second question but you didn't dare to repeat it, instead you followed in silence.

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