🔥The stranger at the casino🔥

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Dreamity || Smut || My head canon is that dream uses it/him so ill use it for now || Dream is 5'3 and Quackity is 6'4 || long hair dream

Turns out I haven't moved on (I CANT TRANSLATE FOR SHII)

Dream recently went to Las Nevada only not being caught because his looks at the smp where just fake his dirty blonde hair? That's actually white

---Flashback to when it made the disguise---

(in here it built the community house before inviting anyone!)

'if I'm going to have people and my best friends here maybe I should put on the disguise again' dream thought him grabbing his eye contacts putting them in.

It walked over to his closet and grabbed hair dye looking at it noticing it was dirty blonde more so brown but whatever it ran to the bathroom and Bleached his hair then dyed his hair coming out with a towel on his head it sat down and let the dye dry and even letting his hair stay long and not cutting it or tying it into a ponytail.

Dream began running ready to get spinal and Gregory-(Y'all know the dream team)

-And the others

---Flashback ending...---

So now he was at Las Nevada in a club/casino, messing around until a certain duck came over to him "Hola hermosa quieres apostar conmigo tal vez?" A duck hybrid asked the enderdragon "Seguro guapo ~" dream replied making the duck blush

"So how are we gonna do this " Q

" normal bets I guess " D

"Ok I'm gonna bet 500k bucks" (5-10 double chests full of diamonds in Minecraft terms but this is real life but in the smp sooo)

"300k bucks hermoso" 

"Okay then"

Dream ended up winning meaning he got 500k bucks from the casino "Quiero una revancha, pero esta vez apuesta con nuestros cuerpos ~" Quackity said"Okay getting bolder~"

(its getting hot in here)


"If I lose you get to f^^k me okay duck?"

"Sure and if I lose you get to do anything you want to me" (He has shame written all over his face)


Dream lost...

They both stood up dream walked over to Quackity his heels making clicking noises every time they collide with the floor " well...you won lets go to your house so you can get your reward" dream said smiling wanting to get ravaged

--at a ducks house--

When they got to Quackity's house dream was slightly amazed as the duck owned a literal penthouse but no shock as he did build this city.

Dream and Quackity got out of the car and got inside the house, dream was wearing a dress so he looked like a woman but the duck knew it was a man.

Quackity led dream to his room and locked the door as soon as they got in the room, dream took his heels off and Quackity took his shoes off.

You see quackity put LED lights in his room so he made them red to set them mood.

(I really want LED lights but I'm not allowed to so might as well let him have some to fulfill my wishes)

They began making out slowly making their way to the bed, Dreams leg hit the bed making him fall to a sitting position on the bed quickly laying down.

They stopped making out to take off there clothes, Quackity got up and walk over to a drawer pulling out lube "Quack I don't want prep" Quackity raised a eyebrow at that and placed it back in the drawer " really?" dream nodded.

 Dreams phone started ringing so it answered his phone


"dream our brother is drunk again!" dream sighed knowing what Exdee does when he's drunk "I'm really busy right now lucid"

"Yeah but we need you! Only you can put his dumbass to sle-" Dream being dream he hung up, yep he hung up.

Dream and Quackity made quick eye contact before kissing again.

__imagine the rest of the night yourselves my fingers hurt I have artist and writers block >:[__

Quackity woke up first and looked at dream who was asleep, that was until slimecicle burst into the room "Quackity from las Nevada! George from (forgot what it's called) konko kingdom is here!" Dream laid back down.

While Quackity went to see why George was here-

{This part is discontinued NOT THE WHOLE BOOK I'm just lazy and I'm delulu for cod men plus tumbler nsfw posts be 🤭}

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