🐻Your cancelled mission caused this..!💔

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I will never not love my kids artwork beautiful even if it's old. (All credits go to my lovely child  @_Unknown_Raven_ )

Dreamnap || assassin sapnap|| Thats all enjoy!

TW:Gun, Blood.

This was not a request but something I needed to cry even tho I can't cry

Dream and sapnap were on their phones, dream being on Twitter, and sapnap being on tiktok, all of a sudden dream had an idea "Sap can we go to the park?" Dream said in a small, but loud voice so sapnap could hear.

Sapnap thought for a minutes before saying "Sure" While getting up off the bed, Dream stood up, and got his shoes and put them on sapnap put his shoes on and they walked downstairs "see you guys later!" Dream said on the way out to George and quackity along with karl, they all said bye.

When they got outside they got into the car

 (the park close to them is like 25 minutes away)

When they got to the park sapnap felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked and saw dream "tag your it!" Dream yelled sapnap stood there for ten seconds before running after dream.

After that

They were both laying down in the grass laughing, after 5 minutes they got up when they got up sapnap felt a small pain on his chest so he looked up around and put his hand where it hurt.

He looked at the crimson liquid on his hand and continued looking around finding the person who has shot him, as it was the person who hired him to kill dream with a sniper.


Sapnap was hired to kill a certain male most Specifically Dream a Assistant of 'Gillian *****' well the person who tried to kill him See he was the main assassination for sapnap Because Apparently he had stole his boss's money And wouldn't give the money back.

Sapnap was hesitant on killing him because of his looks, Sapnap's plan was to stab dream in the back so he pretended to be friends with dream but they eventually fell in love but Still he had to kill him for the cash.

Meanwhile dreams boss just wanted to kill him for no reason so he famed dream of stealing but if the person has a reason as to why he wants to kill the person sapnap will accept it and Gillian knew that So he framed dream.

(I used the microphone to do this my hands are tired so I'm so sorry if there is any spelling issues!)

1 day when they were hanging out snapmap decided today would be the day to kill So he quickly loaded his stuff up and put them on to a random rooftop when he decided have been long enough he said he has to go to the bathroom so he quickly ran into the bathroom climbed climbed out of window equipment went off to the rooftop where he put his stuff.

Right when he was about to shoot Dream he hesitated and didn't pull the trigger, he called Dreams boss and told him he could not kill dream so his boss quickly hung up and before he hung up he said I will do this myself and Hung up as usual And sapnap went back into the bakery and pretend like he did not just try to kill dream.

--when sapnap visited Gillian after telling him that---


"Well I just can't I've gotten attached to him"






"You can try..."

---flashback end---

Dream quickly ran over to Snapmap "Baby!" Dream yelled "I'm okay" sapnap said bending down to sit and try to ease the pain by putting pressure on it.

But it did nothing sadly...

Dream looked around for any witnesses or who shot sapnap until he looked at a certain building and saw his boss holding a sniper aiming at dream now "...Sappy...I'll go get help..." Dream said as he stood up and ran to a nearby building "I need help! My boyfriend was shot...!" He said while the employee started panicking and grabbed their phone to call the police.

Everyone else there was whispering to each other about this, eventually the police showed up and after a close look at the surveillance cameras on the block they knew it was Gillian and since dream knew where Gillian usually was he told the police.

Sapnap was taken to a hospital where he was in a coma

4 months later...

After 4 months Sapnap was still in the coma and dream was sitting besides the hospital bed until sapnap vitals started decrease which is concerning so dream went to get the doctor.

When he found the doctor he was told to wait in the waiting room which dream sat there for half a hour scared for sapnaps life...

Suddenly a nurse appeared in front of him

"Are you Mr. Was taken?"

"Yes how is sapnap?"

"I'm truly sorry for your lose..."

After those words dream started to cry "Sir are you okay?" The nurse said while trying to console dream "I-Ill be fine..."

After a bit dream started to become more depressed and sad...his boyfriend was his world but now he's gone. Dream couldn't help but mourn more than usual.

Hii so Puffy here and I'd like to say I'm actually moving later than I expected because the house wasn't ready but yes my kids I am back! Also my kids I haven't forgot you I usually add you guys as my kids on c.ai when I have the opportunity to be a single mom :]

Thanks bye! Love you guys <3

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