meet cute

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Jungkook was going through the sales report that his junior has submitted. Circling out points where an improvement is required. He picks the cordless and dials to his secretary, "hullo, yeah Hana, please send Mingyu to my office. Yeah, thank you"

After 5 minutes there is a knock on his cabin door to which he responds to an audible 'come in'.

"Sir, you called me?", Mingyu asks politely.

"Ah, yeah, we need a discussion over the recently submitted report. I have some suggestions for improvements", Jungkook stated.


20 minutes into their discussion, and there his cordless rings.

"Yes, Hana?"

"Sir, Mr. Kim has asked you to meet him in 15 minutes"

"Sure, thanks"

He winds up the discussion and leaves for the said meeting with Kim Namjoon.


Knock Knock

"Sir, may I come in?", Jungkook asks politely.

"Oh, yes Jungkookie, come in", a surprisingly happy Namjoon invites him in, so the younger enters and sits only when his senior asked him to.

"So how're you, kookie?", his senior asks.

"Am fine, sir"

"Okay, first of all you're not abiding by my orders to call me hyung when we're inside my cabin alone, so what do you think, should I start with punishing you for that?", Namjoon lovingly scolds the younger.

Jungkook smiles at the elder's antics.

"Am fine, hyung"

"Much better, now I heard you were in a meeting with Mingyu?"

"Yeah, the Paris reports need a lot of improvements. Mingyu is doing good, but I think, there's still a lot that needs to improve"

The senior hummed in agreement.

"I just met with him to give him insights on better strategies that can help us acquire the market of Paris much better", the younger added.

The senior hummed again.

"Paris is one of the most significant holiday and tourism destinations. We need our people to give their best but I feel they still lack a lot of knowledge. I keep guiding Mingyu and he's hardworking and all but he just lacks the natural spark as a Tourism professional", Jungkook was rambling when he realised that his senior was just humming and not saying anything in return.

"Ah, sorry hyung. I got carried away", he chuckled nervously.

"I know, you love your job with passion. So it's fine", Namjoon assures.

"Actually, I am thinking of letting Mingyu learn first", the younger's ears perk in confusion at that, "I mean, we'll let him work on Tourism deals that circle around S. Korea, rather than risking our overseas projects"

The younger nods in agreement. But hesitantly asks, "is it because I said all that about him, if yes, I assure, I will train him better but don't take away his opportunities just because I couldn't keep my passionate ass calm"

"Oh no, absolutely not. Mingyu shared his concern with me earlier. He felt that he's not fully ready for overseas projects"

The younger just hums but is surprised at the new information. So he inquired in a small voice, "did he say that I annoy him too much with my suggestions?"

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙇𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙂𝙤 | TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now