I don't think any of our friends suspect that I'm pregnant. Tucson did have a hosting last week that almost got me caught up. They were passing out shots, and I turned around to give the cup to one of my fans. Tucson did not believe me when I said I took it until my supporter vouched for me. She was a real one for that.

I had to leave the house really early this morning to make sure I got the photos and videos done for my upcoming nude palette collection. I did my thing, but my mind could only focus on this place I'm about to go to.

Spelman College.

After receiving the shock of my life from the woman I believed was my birth mother, I decided to do a little digging.

I found a couple of Gloria Campbells in Georgia, but there was one who looked about the right age. She's an English professor and one of the cofounders of the survivor support group on campus. I found a syllabus on CourseHero from this semester that lists her office hours.

Today's the day we'll come face to face. We'll see how it goes.

I also did a little research on my sperm donor. A few days after Gloria left the home she shared with him, Damian was found dead in the apartment.

According to the police report, the police didn't suspect any foul play because of all of the drugs they discovered around the apartment. It was ruled an accidental overdose. That feels a little suspicious to me because if he was a long time drug addict, he would know how much to take without killing himself.

Was it really an accident? Did he do it on purpose? Or did someone take him out? Like Gloria...

When I arrived on campus, I made my way over to the Academic Center where her office was located. I walked down the hall until I reached a receptionist desk in the middle of a cluster of offices. The one with Gloria's name and title had the door closed shut.

I turned to the woman at the desk.

"Hi. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. How can I help you?"

"Is Professor Campbell in?"

"Yes. She just stepped out, but she should be back in a minute. Are you one of her students?"

"No, I'm...I'm an old friend. I just wanted to surprise her. We haven't seen each other in a long time."

"I'm sure she will love that. Oh, there she is."

"Is there a problem Melissa?"

"No. This young woman says she's here to see you." Gloria turned to me and she looked like a deer in headlights. Her LinkedIn profile picture didn't do her any justice. She's really beautiful. We shared the same nose, eyes, and lips.


"It's me."

"Why don't we step into my office?" She opened her office door and ushered me in. "Have a seat."

"Thank you. I guess you know who I am."

"I do. The first time I saw you do an interview on the local news a couple years ago, I had a feeling that you were who I thought you were. Seeing you in a commercial with Diane confirmed everything."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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