Bad Omen

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Shoto didn't get perplexed by much.... I mean, usually it's just his social skills these days and very weird villains, but not much.

So imagine his surprise when he gets a call from Touya to 'haul ass'.

"What could Touya possibly have an issue with?" He asked himself.

He soon got his answer when he saw the support hero known as Snowpool run out if the way of a torrent of blue flames, Touya slung over his shoulder.

"SHOTO!" Natsuo shrieked, tossing him the keys to his car.

"GET IN THE CAR!" Touya screamed.

"Why do I-"

Another torrent of flames came out, this time forming the shape of a person....


"GET IN THE GODDAMN CAR!" They both demanded, Shoto already putting the keys in the ignition.

He started the car up, Natsuo getting in the passenger seat whilst Touya got in the back. Shoto, being the worried brother her is, absolutely floored it.

"Touya, what's going on?! Is this related to what happened with Izuku a few days ago?!" Shoto questioned.

"Yeah. The bastard back there calls himself Frostscorcher, fucking off brand Shoto...." Touya grumbled, holding his side.

"He's looking for something, that's why Touya had called me in to get him on his feet before we got toasted." Natsuo finished explaining.

Shoto pulled over, saying "So where do we go? This guy obviously has all my abilities but stronger, so how do we beat him?"

Touya thought for a moment, before gaining a hard look.

".... We take him to a place only a Todoroki would expect to look." He said pointing at something in the distance.

".... A place with more than enough kindling for our flames." Shoto added.

"A place that we'd never be expected to return to." Natsuo finished.


Frostscorcher appeared, black and white hair visible in the sunlight.

"Where are you, Shoto?" The villain questioned, steam hissing from his palms.

"Do you recognize this area?"

Frostscorcher turned around, spotting Touya.

"Sekoto Peak. This place holds a lot of memories, doesn't it?" He continued. "I mean, do you know what it feels like to burn yourself alive? Of course you do.... That's why you took so long to catch up, isn't it?"

"You don't know what you're talking about." Frostscorcher hissed.

"So those aren't burns covering your neck and arms?" Natsuo asked. "Every clone has a flaw, so I'm guessing that this must be yours, correct?"

"That's right. His skin isn't good against ice or fire." Shoto said, the three now surrounding him. "So, if that's the case.... How well do you do against them both?"

At the same time, waves of fire and ice went at the villain, Touya and Shoto activating their quirks. Frostscorcher activated his quirk on both sides of his body, using it to its fullest capacity.

Shoto let out a sigh, smirking.

"You know, you really aren't all that powerful without your friends, right?" Shoto said, increasing his ice.

"I will not fail here!" Frostscorcher hissed, increasing the output of his quirk.

"You are right, you won't."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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