Now is the only time I know

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"Because you need me?" She repeats; and although he is not looking at her; not observing how she shifts in her seat; he can hear her skin prickle, her heart beat about to explode; he inhales the delicious scent of fear excreting from her pores.

He is a predator. And her terror is potent, choking the air between them, and his eyes won't relax into blue; they remain glowing, dilated and roused by her fear.

He closes his eyes, imagining dead things, her being one of them, and his fingers deftly run over the console until both of their windows are rolled down and the night air clears his lust.

Composing himself, he runs his tongue under his canines that rapidly retract, and tugs at the center of his jeans, then placing his hands innocently back on the steering wheel, he faces the witch with the dried mud crucifix on her forehead, crackling in pieces as she furrows her brow.

"Yes. You were needed hence why you are alive, breathing, sitting inside my vehicle in my shirt." He states, annoyed by the dirt cross's presence and being on her specifically. The symbol had never warded him off, and there had been many souls who had held it up upon sight of him, a demon, praying that the power of the god they worshipped would save them, right before he drained them and tore them apart. And on impulse he wipes away what is left at the center of her forehead, expecting her to cringe under his touch now that she knows who he is, but when she does not, when she allows his hand to linger and trace down the side of her face, he can't help but laugh at how the tables have turned.

"Mama T said you would need some time to get acquainted with your former self," He says, examining Bonnie, as he has never done, because before, her looks were clouded by what she represented, his thwarted revenge, his obstacle, she wasn't a face, she was a tangle of vexations.

"Humor me," he says, his fingers doing what they want, the pads gingerly trailing the shapes of her face, "Do you have any clue of who I am?"

"Klaus." She says, her eyes locked on him, "That is the name you gave when I came back and that is what Mama T called you. Klaus."

His thumb rubs circles over her veins, "But there is no recollection of that name?" He whispers, wanting to press his mouth where his hand rest, on her artery, and he wonders just how far he can go with her.

"Should there be?" She says, earning a genuine smirk from Klaus who withdraws his hand from her neck, not quite sure if he would need to quickly snap it, which would be dreadful due to all the trouble he went through obtaining her, or if he should continue caressing her, which is what he desires at that moment.

Bonnie Bennett might be a newborn but she is aware of intrigue and this excites him.

"Well, I will not spoil the surprise for you, Bonnie," He starts the car, the engine humming over the silence on the dead street, "But I will tell you who you are and why your life is invaluable to me." He turns down narrow alleys and trash-filled backstreets, "You are a witch," He says, glancing at her in awe of their surroundings as he drives through the fabled French Quarter with her Creole homes and Spanish courtyards, avoiding the police blockades and rambunctious crowds of Bourbon Street, "To be truthful, you are a prodigy, one of the most brilliant witches to grace this time period, unfortunately for you, you were using your talents unwisely and died " He states matter-of-factly, "You see, Bonnie, a prodigy cannot fulfill her potential without training, and where I come into the grand scheme of your resurrection is that I have a little problem, a meddlesome issue with a friend of mine in this city. So I needed a witch, and I can only have the best, and the best was no longer alive, so, Voila. I gave you your life back; and on top of this gracious act, I will mentor you, for dear Bonnie, I have known some of the most powerful witches over the thousand years I have been on this spinning rock, and I was even cursed to have been born of one, so you see, only with me will you exceed your potential. And all I ask in exchange for my generosity is that you will eliminate my adversary. Do we have a deal?"

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