"Boy I'mma need you to hurry the fuck up cause my girl is ready and she getting nervous" Austin says leaning on the bedroom door as I stare in the mirror practicing how I'mma propose

"I'm leaving okay! I-I just gotta get the words I'm gonna say to her right"
"Nigga. It's simple. I love you so marry me"
"Aww really babe....of course I will over and over again" Austin says leaning on Marcus
"And that's my cue to get outta here. Alright y'all I'm out!" I say rushing pass them going to the front door

I pull up in front of the house trying to steady my voice, practicing how imma propose.
"What up bitch!!" I hear and see Teyana leaning on my passenger side looking in the car
"Nigga get the fuck out my window before you break it"

"You nervous ain't you?" She says smirking at me as I groan
".....Don't worry she is too. Y'all nothing but full of surprises...but she look good, here they come. Have fun" she says moving to the side opening the door and there goes my baby

Hair flowing and wavy. All natural.
"Hey baby"
"H-Hi Daddy....you look so handsome!" She says blushing as she puts her seatbelt on
"Y'all kids be safe alright" Teyana says laughing

I give her the middle finger and drive off to the restaurant.

"Are those flowers that are in the backseat for me?"

"Oh shit. Y-Yeah baby girl. They're for you. I was supposed to have given them to you when you got in the car. I'm just nervous" I say grabbing her hand as we sit at the table in the restaurant

"Why?...it's only dinner"
"You right. But I want tonight to be perfect for you...cause I love you"
"And I love you Daddy" she says then pokes her lips out for me to give her a kiss that I happily accept and slightly calms me

With us done with our food I ask our waiter to give us 15 minutes before he comes back with dessert. I guess he already knew what I was doing cause he gives me a smirk and a nod.

With the box in my left hand I reach for Megan's hand again with my right holding it.

"You know I love you so much Megan...."
"And I love you so much too Daddy"
"N-No like I love you so much. Like I can't imagine life without you....a-and I don't ever want to experience life without you....and I love what we have. I thank you for choosing me to be your lover, friend, caretaker when needed....u-ummmm w-what I want to say is.....is- um shit it's hot. Ain't it hot?"

"Not really...a-are you okay? Is everything okay Daddy?! You're acting very strange"
"I know...it's just that I have something I want to share with you....b-but. Ugh. Megan I love you so much....a-and I want. Megan, p-please marry me?" I stumble out taking out the box showing the ring to her

She gasp covering up her mouth and right on cue the waiter comes back with the dessert we ordered.
"Oh shit. I mean. I apologize for coming back at a bad time...but I did give you twenty minutes....but congratulations and y'all enjoy" he says then run back out leaving us alone

"First thank you for this Daddy. I appreciate it. And I-I can't believe you want me....after all I've done you want me" she says tearing up

"Of course I do. You are what I've always wanted. What I always needed. So please marry me"
"Of course!! Of course I'll marry you! Oh my fucking gosh!!! We're getting married!!!" She shouts nearly jumping out her seat

I smile grabbing her nearly off the floor as I spin her around. She slightly screams in my ear as she holds me tight around my neck.

"I love you so much Daddy. I love you so much.... Thank you for loving me" she says

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