Chapter Two.

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Throne of the Seraph
twoway of life


Terror shook her body. She dropped the basket she was holding on the ground and looked at her left, where her mother was standing. Esmeray was holding on a spatula, with a furious look on her face.

"M-Mom . . ."

She marched towards the child, picking the scattered clothes and putting it inside. "What have I told you?" she asked.

"Stay still . . ."

"And what have you done?"

Asteria bit her lips slightly, before looking at her mother. "But, I was only trying to help."

A week has passed following the accident that triggered the activation of the Emerson child's magic. It was discovered that she had the ability to make and control any aspects of ice. 

Normally, like what was promised by her parents prior to the accident, Asteria would be allowed to practice how to control it and learn basic spells. Ice attribute came from her maternal side, hence Esmeray have the obligation to teach her. 

"Honey, we talked about this." Esmeray reached for her cheek and planted a soft kiss on it. "You need to rest."

However, because it was an incident that awakened the child's magic, her parents deem teaching her as dangerous and couldn't let her use it for the time being. They have also turned into dotting parents, much to her dismay.

The Emerson couple wouldn't let her help with household chores and she had been reduced to a child who wouldn't have to do anything but rest, eat, and sleep.

"It was okay for three days since I was feeling tired, but this is too much." Asteria had her arms crossed over her chest with cheeks puffed as she sat on the sofa. She could no longer argue with Esmeray.

Orion messed up her hair in pigtails. He crouched in front of her, taking hold of her little hands. "You know that we're only worried about you, right?"

"But Dad, I can still do a bit of carrying~" She whined, in order to get her father to soften up and make her help.

"Your mana is still unstable, you have no control yet. Who knows what will happen if we leave you unsupervised?"

"Dad . . ." She sighed at her parents' attitude. She understood that their actions were only based on the love they have and only wanted the best for her as their daughter, but she was getting bored with the vicious cycle of rest, eat, and sleep. She felt like there was a humongous amount of energy traveling through her veins, waiting to be released.

"I feel like there's something inside of me . . ." She nervously played with her fingers. "Ever since my magic awakened, I haven't been able to rest well. I feel like I need to move around."

Orion squeezed her hands. "Your magic is unstable, we're not sure of what will happen if you go out. You might lose control and —"

He sighed, stopping himself from continuing.

'Dad looks scared.' She stared at her father's eyes. It looked like blue jewels newly polished, and it was moist, as though tears were ready to spill.

"Okay." Despite the longing in her heart, she didn't want to disobey her parents and make them worry even more. She nodded her head and it made a smile appear on Orion's face. He knew he could trust her words, Asteria didn't like lying.

After the incident with Yuno, they have been extra careful with her because they were afraid that something bad would happen. As their only child, possibly the only child they could ever have, Asteria was special to Orion and Esmeray.

THRONE OF THE SERAPH ; g.yunoWhere stories live. Discover now