Procedure + Rules + Prizes

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As you already probably know, this is a Harry Potter fanfiction contest. This page is mandatory to read if you want to participate, so please do not skip this.

First, I will be explaining the procedure:

#1. Your first step will be to follow all rules (that are listed below the procedure).

#2. You are now allowed to neatly fill the form out — emphasis on the word neatly. If the form is not clean and understandable, I will have to tell you to refill it.

#3. I will either accept or decline your form. The only reason why I might decline is that the rules have not been followed, the form is too messy, or because the specific round is already full.

#4. You can, of course, refill the form and tag me, or follow the rules if it slipped out of your mind. But if the specific ongoing round is full, you will be accepted when the next round starts.

#5. Basically, only the first ten forms will be accepted per round. If you fill your form late, you can always participate in the next round.

#6. I will judge your books within approximately fifteen days, and the results will be out soon as well.

Now for the rules:

#1. Fill the form neatly.

#2. Follow me permanently.

#3. Vote on at least three chapters of this book, so more people can view it.

#4. Post a shoutout on your message board about this book, and tag me there.

#5. You can only submit one book per round. You can, however, submit a different book in the next round.

#6. If your book wins first, second or third place in a round, you cannot submit the same book for another round. But if it doesn't win, you can submit your book for as many rounds as you want.

#7. Add this book to your private and public reading list.

#8. Your book needs to have 7 minimum chapters (prologue can be included if it has 1000+ words).

#9. Check out my book, Tarnished and Hurt. Please vote if you enjoy reading, and if you don't really like it, please leave a comment telling me what I can write better.

Lastly, the prizes:


#1. A follow from me.

#2. A first place sticker.

#3. A congratulatory message on my message board.

#4. A congratulatory message on your message board.

#5. Am honest review on your book.

#6. Votes on any five chapters of your book.

#7. Free graphic(s) from me (if I'm really connected to your story), but it's your choice whether you want to accept them or not.


#1. A follow from me.

#2. A second place sticker.

#3. A congratulatory message on my message board.

#4. An honest review on your book.

#5. Votes on any three chapters of your book.

#6. Free graphic(s) from me (if I'm really connected to your story), but it's your choice whether you want to accept them or not.


#1. A follow from me.

#2. A third place sticker.

#3. A congratulatory message on my message board.

#4. An honest review on your book.

#5. Free graphic(s) from me (if I'm really connected to your story), but it's your choice whether you want to accept them or not.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments inline ➝

See you in the next chapter, Potterheads! 

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