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Yug means a period of time of a specified number of years. Yug : Satyayug, Tretayug, Dwapar, Kaliyug,. Yug description means how the life, age, height of a person is in that era.

Satyayug :-
Completed Age - 17,28000
Age of Man - 100,000
Length - 32 feet (approx) [ 21 cubits ]
Pilgrimage - Pushkar
sin - 0 world
Punya - 20 Vishwa
Avatar - Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha (all inhuman incarnations)
Reason - Killing of Shankhasur and salvation of Vedas, weight loss of earth, killing of Harinyaksha demon, killing of Hiranyakashipu and to give happiness to Prahlad.
Currency - Gemstone
vessel - of gold

Tretayug :-
Full age - 12,96,000
Age of Man - 10,000
Length - 21 feet (approx) [ 14 cubits ]
Pilgrimage - Naimisharanya
Sin - 5 Vishwa
Punya - 15 Vishwa
Avatar - Vamana, Parashurama, Rama (House of King Dasaratha)
Reason - After rescuing Bali, he was sent to Hades, to kill Madandh Kshatriyas, to kill Ravana and to liberate the gods.
currency - gold
vessel - silver

Dwapar :-
Full age - 8.64,000
Age of Man - 1,000
Length - 11 feet (approx) [ 7 cubits ]
Pilgrimage - Kurukshetra
Sin - 10
virtue - 10
Avatar - Krishna, (from Devaki's womb and brought up in Nanda's house), Balram.
Reason - Killing of Kansa wicked and welfare of Gopas, to fascinate the demons.
currency - silver
vessel - copper

Kaliyug :-
Full age - 4,32,000
Age of Man - 100
Length - 5.5 feet (approx) [2. Hand]
Pilgrimage - Ganga
Sin - 15
virtue - 5
Avatar - Kalki (home of Brahmin Vishnu Yash).
Reason - For the salvation of mankind, destruction of unrighteous and protection of religion.
currency - iron
pot - earthenware

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