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14. Bhikshuvarya Avatar: Lord Shankar is the God of Gods.  He is also the protector of the life of every living being born in the world.  The Bhikshuvarya incarnation of Lord Shankar gives this message.

15. Sureshwar Avatar: Sureshwar (Indra) incarnation of Lord Shankar shows his love towards the devotee.  In this incarnation, Lord Shankar, being pleased with the devotion of a small child Upamanyu, gave him the boon of his supreme devotion and immortality.

16. Kirat Avatar: In this incarnation Lord Shankar had tested the bravery of Pandu's son Arjuna.

17. Suntan dancer avatar: Shivji had dressed as a sun dancer to ask Parvati's father Himachal for his daughter's hand.  With Damru in hand, Shivji reached Himachal's house in the form of a nut and started dancing.  Nataraj Shivji danced so beautifully and gracefully that everyone became happy.  When Himachal asked Nataraja to beg for alms, Nataraja Shiva asked for Parvati in alms.  Himachal Raj became very angry on this.  After some time, Nataraj disguised Shivji went away himself after showing his form to Parvati.  On his departure Maina and Himachal got divine knowledge and they decided to give Parvati to Shivji.

18. Brahmachari Avatar: After sacrificing her life in Daksha's Yagya, when Sati took birth in the Himalayas, she did intense penance to get Lord Shiva as her husband.  In order to test Parvati, Lord Shiva disguised as a celibate came to her.  Parvati saw the brahmachari and duly worshiped him.  When the brahmachari asked Parvati the purpose of her penance, and on knowing, started condemning Shiva and also called him cremation dweller and Kapalik.  Parvati got very angry after hearing this.  Seeing the devotion and love of Parvati, Shiva showed her his real form.

19. Yaksha Avatar: The Yaksha avatar was assumed by Shiva to remove the undue and false pride of the deities.

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