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I searched the house and Tannyhill's grounds but they are gone. I have no idea where they could've went. Frustrated and confused, I hop on my bike and ride to the park.

Situated right in the center of Figure Eight, the park is the only place I can think that Sarah might have gone. All evening they are playing movies projected onto a large white sheet. An event called "The OBX Summer Movie Series." It's pretty popular amongst Pogues and Kooks alike, so it is likely that she just decided to go make an appearance.

I leaned my skateboard in the bike rack and immediately saw Kiara, Pope, and of course, JJ, setting up chairs on the grass. Kiara strays from them and walks up to the concessions stand. It's no use hiding now. I'm sure she'll see me eventually, besides, maybe John B told them where he was going before he disappeared with Sarah. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and approach her. "Hey, uh, Kiara. Have you seen Sarah?"

She whips around to face me and her expression says it all. She was not exactly thrilled to see me. "Um, no. Why?"

"Just wondering if she has shown up yet," I tell her.

She eyes me suspiciously. "Have you seen John B?"

"Um... not since earlier this morning."

"What? He was with you today? Hold on, let me get my drinks and then you need to tell us everything."

I nod. It annoyed me that she was ordering me around, but I wasn't going to question it. As we are waiting a familiar voice calls Kie's name.

"Hey, Kie." It is my brother, Rafe. "Hey, what's up you two? I didn't know you were friends." He had this mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"We're not," Kie says quickly. "Just both waiting for our drinks." I nod in agreement.

"Well, how are you?" Rafe says, turning to Kie. What could he possibly want? He has to want something because my brother wouldn't just strike up conversation with Kiara for no reason.

"I'm fine," she responds unenthusiastically.

"Good, good, um...tell your boy that we know what he did." Rafe moves closer to Kie, towering over her threateningly.

"Sorry, what boy are you talking about?" she asks.

"Uh, he'll know." Rafe glares down at her with a devious smirk.

I walk between them and place a hand on Rafe's chest to prevent him from moving any closer. "Back off, Rafe," I say. He looks down at my hand and chuckles mockingly.

Kiara grabs her Pepsis from the counter and walks off, not even bothering to see if I was following her. She calls Rafe a douche, and rightfully so. I give my brother a last, accusing glance and follow after her.

Nothing prepared me for the look on JJ's face when he saw me. He looked up and did a double take, as if he didn't believe I was real. Kiara gave us no time to react and jumped straight to business.

"So, Stella mentioned to me that she was with John B this morning." She walked behind the boys and crossed her arms, willing me to speak.

I tell them everything. How I found John B and Sarah in the study, how Sarah ran into him when he was running from CPS, and how when I returned from doing my laundry they were just gone. "That's why I had asked if you had seen Sarah, because I haven't seen her since they disappeared together."

The three of them stare at me in silence. I stand. there awkwardly, avoiding JJ's gaze.

"Well, that wasn't much help," Kie says.

"Um, yes it was," Pope chimes in. "Now at least we know that John B is probably still with Sarah. We shouldn't be too worried."

Kiara sighs dramatically and settles down into her chair. "Well, anyways, we just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote, 'tell your boy that we know what he did.' What is that?"

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