She is walking with Dinah, Ally, and some other girls that were in her grade on the soccer team. The girls that were with her saw us and began to awe at us and I could hear Dinah say something along the lines of "get it girl" loudly. Camila didn't smile nor did she laugh at the girls' antics; she seemed a bit bothered by it but I'm too flustered to dissect what's happening. I lean back away from Anthony, and I stand up and suggest that we should go to the lunchroom with everyone else.  

On the way to the lunchroom the tension between Anthony and I was pretty thick. I'm still on the fence about if I want to be with Anthony or not. I honestly don't want to think about it. The only thing on my mind is Camila, she saw us, and I don't know why but it bothered me. I want to talk to Mani about this or Justin, someone honestly, if I had to choose, I think Justin is my best bet, then again Mani is my closest friend. 

"hey I want to apologize for earlier... that-" "it's okay" I say a bit fast to cut him off "we don't have to dwell on it lets just meet up with everyone" I start to walk a bit faster, he's a bit behind me before he slightly jogs to catch up to me "hey I really didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he grabs my arm to make me turn around "I just want you to know that I still have some feelings for you and when you're ready I'll be here waiting for you" I open my mouth to say something but no words come out, I sigh a little "I'm a bit confused right now Anthony, give me a bit of time okay? I need to figure some things out" he lets go of my arm and smiles softly "okay." 

When we reach the lunchroom, I could see a very annoyed Normani walking towards me. "Excuse me where the hell were you? I had to sit here with these guys by myself! They bullied me!" she says rather loudly, I could hear the boys chuckling behind her, she wasn't actually angry with me or them "I was with Anthony" I can see her look over towards Anthony, an evil grin makes its way upon her face "nothing happened" I say as I roll my eyes "whatever you say, come walk with me" with that she pulls me over to walk towards the bathrooms so that we can talk " I want all the details now." 

"How was school mija?" I put my bags in the back seat, and I pull my earbuds out of my pocket and put one in my ear "it was good ma, nothing interesting happened, I was invited to go to an amusement park tomorrow just so you know" on the drive to my house I feel my phone vibrate. I look down and it's a message from someone, I'm going to ignore it.... but what if it's from Camila? I immediately check who it's from and it actually was from her, my heart skipped a beat. 

Camila: hey we still on for tomorrow? you haven't forgotten right?

honestly how could I forget, the thought of us hanging out together alone makes me anxious. 

Lauren: I totally am! how could I forget!

Camila: okay cool! I'll send my address. 

after she sends her address and I save it to my phone I pick Chateau by Djo to listen to while my mom drives us home. My mom notices that I'm smiling at my phone "who are you texting mija" I look over towards her in a small panic "no one... I'm just texting the girls from the team; we are talking about how practice was canceled today." "Ah  okay..." with that the conversation between us ended, she turned her music on, and I just enjoyed the ride home.

Camila: so how was school today? 

Camila: I'm so bad at making small talk omg. 

Camila: I just want to talk to you lol. 

Camila: your friend is Normani right?

While I'm reading through the messages, she sent me I can't help but laugh, she's so cute it hurts, but why is she asking about Normani? She wants to talk to me? I feel all warm inside, I've never been like this with anyone I've dated before. 

Lauren: my day was... something, very confusing. I think you're doing just fine, what can I say? I'd want to talk to me too honestly ;) and yah Mani is my friend why??

Camila: oh! sorry about Dinah today, didn't mean to ruin anything that was happening today with you and that guy...

Camila: you're annoying HAHA, what you don't want to talk to me? :(((((

Camila: It's just I don't think she likes me very much... we have ballroom together and I just get a sense that she might not like me, I don't know I might just be crazy. 

Lauren: she didn't ruin anything! if anything you guys saved me haha

Lauren: hmmmmm I'm not sureeee you're out here calling me annoying</3 jk I do want to talk to you too :)

Lauren: I'm going to ask her about that on Monday, that's a bit weird Mani doesn't usually have problems with people especially people she doesn't really know.

Camila: good to know ;)

Camila: Hey I've got to go now but I'll see you tomorrow! byee :)

Lauren: okay, I'll text you! byeee:)

Why would Mani have a problem with Camila? if Mani did actually have a problem with her then Mani wouldn't be a very good person to talk about what I'm feeling with, plus Mani is team Anthony. I get why she would be; she doesn't know the whole story and she was the one to get us together the first time we dated. She told him to ask me out at one of our school dances back in freshman year.  She was probably sadder than I was when I broke up with him.

 All I know is that I'll be seeing Camila tomorrow and that alone made my cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. Can it be morning already?

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