"Do you know which human you're going to fight against?" "Who said I'm gonna fight against humanity?" He said, his eyebrow raising with a smug grin. The angel accidentally cracked the ear of the bunny candy she was suckling on, suprised.

"I'm gonna fight the Gods and I will win." "You could do that?" [Y/N] sat on her knees, leaning towards Buddha. "There's nothing I can't do, [Y/N]". Her eyes shined brightly as she smiled at the God.

"Thank you!" "I'll win for ya, Darling."

Two familiar voices shrieked in agony somewhere as Buddha looked at the angel with an eyebrow raised, the said angel looked back with a smile and a knowing look.

"[Y/NNN]!!! DON'T TALK TO A BETRAYER LIKE HIM!!" The two ravens squawked and cried as they landed infront of the two.
"Who are you again?" Buddha said with an bored expression as Muninn stepped back offended, while Huginn looked at him angrily.

"Hello, Huginn, Munnin." "Don't talk to him, even look at him! Buddha is-" the lectures and complaints of the birds were drowned out by the angel and Buddha as they looked at eachother.

"Ya really know these birds?" "Creatures with wings attract." The girl answered with a cheeky grin, her wings moving upwards little. Buddha laughed. "On the count of three?" "Five...!" "Five it is."





Buddha's words got caught off my the angel's giggle and her hand gripping his forearm as they ran away from the noisy birds. "I thought on the count of five?" "Four is enough, I guess!" She grinned at the God as they sprinted.

Hermes's schedule consisted of delivering messages to other Gods, listening to Zeus' not funny jokes and making sure that the Olympus Palace is in tip top shape.

"W-what do you think m-my Lord..?" The nervous head chef questioned the God, as the other Chefs hid behind him. Hermes skimmed through the dishes and desserts that will be served to the Gods later this day. Everything should be perfect.

So far, all the dishes was there. The Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin, the beef wellington, Creamy Shrimp and Crap bisque. The Beignets, crepe cakes, Berry Vanilla Cheesecake Parfaits and the- where's the cupcakes?

Hermes's eyes darkening made the chefs souls leave their body. The God turned to them with a small smile - a terrifying shadow looming behind him made him much more spine chilling.

"Chef Demount~?" "..yes, Lord Hermes?" The head chef squeaked out, as he saw that it's the end for him. "The cupcakes. Where are they~?" Another chef walked to the other side of the kitchen and spotted where the cupcakes she placed should be. "T-the cupcakes..are gone.."

Hermes's smile did not falter, but his homicidal thoughts are getting stronger. Feeling this, the chefs quickly inched outside from the kitchen in fear. "..this is, a problem. Lord Zeus' likes cupcakes.." He sighed, rubbing his forehead.


The sound of steel crashing on the castle's marble floor echoed across the kitchen. The God's head snapped to the sound, an eyebrow raised. He quietly made his way behind counter and peeked.

Buddha and the angel sat, leaning on the counter and eating the cupcakes. "Buddha, quiet!" The angel hissed at the God as he quietly laughed. "It slipped!" He takes a bite of the cupcake he held.

Hermes's now calm demeanor washed away like paint being hosed off. He wasn't the type to get jealous, always the type to keep to himself. But now...he wasn't so sure. A vein popped on his forehead - an irritated look now rested on his face.

"L-lord Hermes! Fire!" The God turned with a grunt and made his way to the yelling, giving a last glance at the two. And he swore, he met Buddha's blue eyes, glinting.

Thor walked in the town, his eyes narrowed as the children squealed, some even climbing on him. Why is he here
anyways? His eyes scanned around the town.

New food stall were added, more flowers and decorations were placed everywhere - something the town done because of Shiva winning today and because of their new pride that the Gods will continue to win. A roar of cheer was heard as his eyes flickered to it.

Amongst the crowd, [Y/N] sat on the shoulders of Buddha, her thighs wrapping close to his head. Thor's eye twitched. Since when did they become so close?

The angel was holding a basket of gold on her left hand, while her right was throwing them at the crowd as they pushed eachother and cheered for the gold. Buddha had this smug grin on while gripping the angel's calf, rubbing her soft skin with his thumb.

The floor cracked underneath Thor as the children yelped in suprise as he sinked a feet under the ground. He picked up his hammer and gritted his teeth. Why was he even acting like this? Is he..?

Is he jealous?


Next chapter will all about our MC and the humans! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆

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