chapter 13

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charlotte walked back to her dorm solemnly. the night hadn't gone how she wanted it to in the slightest. mattheo had left, they had fought, and now she was alone. she felt dreadfully guilty, and she couldn't bear to stay at the ball without him. as she got to her dorm, she threw off her shoes and quickly changed out of her dress. there, on her bed, was a necklace and a note. the necklace was beautiful, it was a heart on a gold chain, and on the note it read, "you look beautiful tonight, love, mattheo." charlotte had no idea when that had gotten there, before their fight or after, and not knowing was making her feel insane.

without a second though, she left her dorm. she was at mattheos a second later. she knocked nervously, wondering how the night took such an unfortunate turn. the door slowly opened, with mattheo on the other side.
"what are you doing here?" he asked, sounding surprised.
"i'm sorry," she blurted out, before she lost her nerve.
he sighed and stepped back, opening the door wider, "come in, charlotte."

she entered his dorm, surprised at how clean it was. of course, knowing him, she knew it was gonna be clean, but it was absolutely spotless.
he lead her to his bed, and motioned for her to sit.
"i'm sorry," she said again, just so he knew, "i didn't mean to forget."
"i know," he said, sighing, "i'm sorry i got so mad at you, it wasn't your fault."
"i'm not mad at you," charlotte said, curious as to how he could think she was mad at him.
"oh," mattheo said, looking surprised.
"of course you were mad i forgot to dance with you next," she laughed, "i would've been, too."
mattheo laughed quietly, and they fell into comfortable silence.

"what are we gonna do over the summer?" mattheo asked, after a few minutes.
"what do you mean?" charlotte asked.
"are we still gonna be friends?" he clarified.
charlotte rolled her eyes, "of course we are,"
before adding, "if you're not still mad at me, that is."
"charlotte-" mattheo started before she cut him off.
"sorry, sorry, didn't mean to bring that up."
"no i meant to ask if i could sit by you." he said with a small laugh.
"it's your bed," charlotte said, looking at
him confused.
"i know, but can i sit by you?" he asked again.
she nodded. like always, charlotte seemed to be enthralled by him, by his warmth, his laugh, his personality. she was enamored with him. she wanted to take back every bad thing that happened tonight, but she knew she couldn't, nothing could.
"i'm sorry all this happened." she said, filling the silence.
"don't apologize, charlotte, tonight was fantastic," mattheo assured her.
"i'm glad i went with you," charlotte said, "i wouldn't have had nearly as much fun if i went with someone else."
mattheo laughed, "i had fun, too. you looked perfect," with a long look at her he added, "you always do."
charlotte felt herself blush. mattheos words always had a greater effect on her than anyone else's. it wasn't because he was a boy, or because he was a riddle, just because he was special to her. he was truly unlike any of the friends she'd had before. he was honest, truthful, and kind, and he was exactly right for her. no matter how many fights they got into, she knew that being his friend wasn't a waste. she looked over at him, and couldn't help staring. he really was hot. she couldn't explain the way she felt about him. surely she didn't... like him? she didn't not like him though. he was her best friend. sometimes she wondered if she liked him in a way that was more than friendly. sometimes she would catch herself staring at him for a little too long, or laughing with him a little too hard, and she would think about how being with him would be nice, would be perfect. and it was here, sitting on his bed with him, that charlotte realized she had feelings for mattheo riddle.

"are you okay?" he asked, looking at her in concern.
"yeah," she said, "just thinking."
"about what?" he asked curiously.
"you." charlotte answered, before she could stop herself.
he laughed, "really?"
"yeah," she replied, embarrassed.
"i'm thinking about you, too," he said, but charlotte couldn't tell if he was being honest or trying to make her feel better. it was probably the former, she knew mattheo wasn't a liar.
"oh," she said quietly.
"yeah," he said, still slightly laughing.
he scooted a little closer to her and slung an arm over her shoulder.
"everyone probably thinks we're up here snogging," charlotte groaned, hiding her face in her hands.
"well i'll just tell them i was hanging out with my best friend charlotte." mattheo said soothingly.
charlotte laughed, "you're finally gonna admit i'm your best friend?"
"if people give you shit about leaving the ball with me early? absolutely." he assured her.
"well good." she said, leaning her head on his chest and closing her eyes. soon enough,
charlotte was asleep, with her head resting on mattheo and his arm wrapped loosely around her shoulders. she was warm like she always was when she was with him, but she was pretty sure he had draped one of his soft looking blankets over them. she was glad she was here with him, that they were okay again, honestly, she didn't know what she would do if they weren't.

"what the fuck?" she heard someone ask loudly.
she shot up in surprise waking mattheo in the process. there, standing over them, was blaise zabini.
"hello blaise," mattheo said calming.
"hello mate,"he said, before turning his attention back to her, "what the bloody hell is charlotte black doing in your bed?" he demanded.
"she's my friend." mattheo stated, like it answered the question.
blaise looked at him expectantly.
mattheo sighed before saying, "she's my best friend."
"ah," blaise said, realization coating his face, "i think we're due for a long chat after your best friend leaves."

charlotte looked around awkwardly. she had known blaise and mattheo were friends, but she had no idea they were roommates. she quickly slid out of mattheos bed and walked to the door.

"well," she said awkwardly, "i should be getting back to my room,"
"cheers," blaise said, "that's probably for the best, i need to have a little talk with your 'best friend'."
"i'll walk you," mattheo offered, slipping gracefully out of his bed and strolling toward the door. they walked in silence. the hall was still going, so the halls were still empty. the sun had set, and the large windows let in rays of silvery moonlight. it was gorgeous. by the time they reached her room, charlotte had no desire to leave him.
"goodnight char," he said, gazing down on her.
"goodnight matty," she said, watching as he rolled his eyes at the nickname. he leaned down and gave her a hug. it was abnormal for them to do, but she didn't care. she slipped into her room and closed the door, smiling. she didn't know what was going to happen to them in the summer, but at least she had today with him. at least she had this.

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