chapter 9

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tw: charlotte absolutely eats shit and is cringe asf??

charlotte walked down to the quidditch pitch, regretting her choice in outfit. she was wearing jean shorts and a light blue tee shirt, and she was absolutely freezing. the weather was supposed to be sunny, but it looked as if it were about to rain, and she'd be surprised if it was even 50 out. as she approached the stands, she spotted mattheo walking over.
"hey," charlotte called out, waving at him.
he smirked and waved back, finally catching up to her.
"you look cold," mattheo said, looking down at her, "do you want my sweatshirt?"
charlotte shook her head and looked away, "oh no, that's okay, i'm fine."
mattheo laughed, " shut up charlotte," he said, and threw the sweatshirt in her arms.

she lifted it up and looked at it. it was dark green, their house color, and on the back, in black, Riddle was written and bold letters. with a sigh, she pulled the sweatshirt on, it was big, very big, falling to the bottom of her thighs. it was warm, like he had been wearing it recently, and he probably had. he smiled at her again once she had it on.
"looks nice," he said with a nod.
"thanks," charlotte said, blushing.
he waved at her once again before turning and walked towards the rest of his team. charlotte went and took her seat in the slytherin section of the quidditch stands, by pansy, and waited for the game to start.

soon enough, the slytherins and hufflepuffs flew into the field. in awe, charlotte watched as mattheo flew into view, she was mesmerized by the way he flew gracefully threw the air. he was a chaser, the most important position in her opinion, and he was good at it.

after the game, charlotte climbed down the stands and started walking toward the castle, to congratulate mattheo on his victory. abruptly, a foot sticks out and trips her. charlotte fell to the ground violently and banged her head on what she assumed was a rock. she looked up through blurry eyes, trying to see who did it. all of a sudden, she heard a laugh from behind her.
"how'd that feel, slut?" Millicent Bulstrode asked, maliciously.
"what the fuck is wrong with you?" charlotte asked weakly.
"like you don't know." millicent replied, and without another word, she walked off.
groaning in pain, charlotte pulled herself off the ground and touched the wound on her forehead. as she pulled her hand away and looked down, the sight of the blood dripping from her fingers made her feel impossibly more dizzy. trying her best to keep her balance, she started her journey to the hospital wing.

when she reached the castle, charlotte was almost certain the blood was steadily trickling down her face, and she was embarrassed to know that she probably looked like someone from a muggle horror movie, but they wasn't anything she could do about it, she didn't wanna stain mattheos sweatshirt. as she approached the southwest wing of the school, around the vicinity of the hospital wing, she got alarmingly dizzy, scarily fast. she looked around in hopes that someone was there who could help her, but she was alone. panic overwhelmed her for a moment, before her consciousness slipped away from her, and she passed out in the deserted hallway.

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