"Come on. You've been sulking about Byakuya not being in school. Don't play dumb with me!"

"I have not. I've been perfectly fine. Quite relieved actually. He was giving me a bad reputation in this damn school."

"You're lying. You told me yourself that you didn't care what other people said about you."

"Well... I can be weak too, you know."

Kinichi rolled her eyes and stopped playing with Ginger to continue eating. She stared blankly at her other two onigiri and then snapped her fingers. She had a new idea. Kinichi immediately clapped her hands together, startling Aneko in the process. Aneko looked at her dropped sashimi roll on the dirty ground and then at Kinichi with a death glare across her face.

"You know what you need, a new eye-candy. A new crush." Kinichi directed, oblivious to Aneko's sashimi roll.

"Like that's possible." Aneko sighed, stabbing another bite of her fish with her chopsticks.

"It is. If you try."

Aneko looked at Kinichi and rolled her eyes.

"Fine... I'll play along, Kinichi."


Aneko giggled a little at the sight of Kinichi's excitement to the little game. What is this? A sleepover?Aneko thought, smiling.

"Since you like older men... What do you think about that guy in your first class? What was his name? ...Oh yes. Iba Tetsuzaemon."

At that moment, Aneko started to laugh.

"Fine. That's a no. Okay. Who else....?" Kinichi sighed, defeated. "Just so you know. That just kills my list. He was the best guy there."

"Oh my god. I can't believe you thought I would like him. The yakuza one."

"How about Ichimaru?"


"Ichimaru Gin. He's pretty cute and he's strong too. Same age as Byakuya. Perfect match."

Aneko looked at Kinichi and gave her the evil eye. Kinichi whimpered and panicked, escaping to her bento box. She started to pick at the small sandwiches. Aneko sighed and, looking up to the leaves above her.

"I would never go out with a sleazy bastard like him."

"How do you know he's a sleazy bastard? You never even talked to him before." Kinichi said, looking back up... slowly. Just in case.

"Well, it's still a no."

Kinichi sighed and hung her low. Continuing to eat the contents in her bento, Kinichi looked at the clear blue sky, giving up on Aneko. She looked back at Aneko.

"That reminds me. There are rumors going around about one of Byakuya's classmate liking someone in the Mayako family."

Aneko looked back down from the tree and stared at Kinichi who was being completely nonchalant about this.

"Maybe I heard wrong, but from what I got, he had long blue hair and piercing cat yellow eyes. Sounds like a cutie to me, but he turned down all girls in his class, because of the mysterious girl from your family. Any ideas?"

Aneko paused and looked at her bento box. She stabbed an octopus-shaped treat and stuffed it in her face.

"Not a clue." Aneko said with her mouth full of food.

Kinichi offered a napkin and sighed. "Don't talk with your mouth full."

Aneko took the food and swallowed. Piercing yellow eyes... Can it be him? She thought. She smirked. I doubt it.

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