Teary Beginnings

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The school bell rang loudly throughout the shinigami academy, marking the start of lunch. Students in black shihakusho filed out of class rooms with books at hand, walking towards their usual hang out spot for lunch with several of their friends. As people walked out of the class, a young girl stood up, closing her books and sighed. Her long black hair cascaded down her back and her face was that of a thirteen year old.

It had been another long morning, listening to lectures from teacher after teacher and quite frankly, Aneko was tired of it. After 10 years in the Seireitei, she got bored of her scheduled life. With a little fight here and there, nothing really happened. Well there was, of course, the eye candy Byakuya so generously provided to both Aneko... and all the vampire girls in the academy. Aneko did have to admit that he was getting cuter as the years passed. Now he looked as if he was 15. Unfortunately, all she could say to Byakuya now was a simple 'hello' whenever the time allowed such a conversation. But, of course, all those moments of simple exchange of eyes or words between Aneko and Byakuya were to end too. Byakuya's father had him transfer to home- schooling two weeks ago, that included daily training with Captain Ukitake. Not able to see Byakuya, Aneko lost interest in everything else for some reason.

Aneko walked through the halls quietly as all the other students laughed and talked with others.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned around. Aneko found it to be her best and only friend, Kinichi.

"Hi, Aneko! What's up?" Kinichi said, happily.

"Nothing. Just bored."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Aneko heard something like a muffled meow.

"What was that?"

"What was? I didn't hear anything!" Kinichi said, nervous now.

"Oh really." Aneko said, eyeing Kinichi's messenger bag now. "Then let me see what's in the bag."

"Books... nothing else." Kinichi said, still nervous. "We should get going b-before lunch is over."

Kinichi started to fast-walk away from the suspicious Aneko. She waited until Kinichi was at least two meters away.

"You have Sunset in there, don' you?"

Kinichi stopped in her tracks. Aneko knew that what she said was true. She was always a bad liar. As Kinichi tried to come up with an excuse, a cat's chocolate brown and black face popped out and meowed happily at Aneko.

"It's actually Ginger." Kinichi admitted, pouting guiltily at the small cat.

Underneath the Great Oak Tree near the Lake

Aneko was leaning on the trunk of the tree, playing with little Ginger. The small cat was toying at a small ball connected to a thin string. Kinichi was next to Aneko, eating her bento box.

"Why did you bring Ginger to school?" Aneko said, all of the sudden.

Kinichi choked on the onigiri (rice ball) that she just took a bite out of. She looked at Aneko and the swallowed her mouthful.

"She was crying. I couldn't resist."

"The poor dear must have been bored in that bag."

"No, she just took naps all morning, but you should have seen her in the afternoon. She wouldn't stop meowing. I probably looked like a freak to everyone now. The girl who keeps meowing. Man, Ginger." Kinichi sighed, rubbing Ginger's cream-colored belly. "So how you holding up?"

Aneko looked at Kinichi in a confused way, as she took out her own bento.

"What do you mean, Kinichi?"

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